-Rendering server now uses a split RID allocate/initialize internally, this allows generating RIDs immediately but initialization to happen later on the proper thread (as rendering APIs generally requiere to call on the right thread). -RenderingServerWrapMT is no more, multithreading is done in RenderingServerDefault. -Some functions like texture or mesh creation, when renderer supports it, can register and return immediately (so no waiting for server API to flush, and saving staging and command buffer memory). -3D physics server changed to be made multithread friendly. -Added PhysicsServer3DWrapMT to use 3D physics server from multiple threads. -Disablet Bullet (too much effort to make multithread friendly, this needs to be fixed eventually).
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/* physics_server_3d_sw.h */
/* This file is part of: */
/* https://godotengine.org */
/* Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */
/* Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */
/* */
/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */
/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */
/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */
/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */
/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */
/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */
/* the following conditions: */
/* */
/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */
/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */
/* */
#include "core/templates/rid_owner.h"
#include "joints_3d_sw.h"
#include "servers/physics_server_3d.h"
#include "shape_3d_sw.h"
#include "space_3d_sw.h"
#include "step_3d_sw.h"
class PhysicsServer3DSW : public PhysicsServer3D {
GDCLASS(PhysicsServer3DSW, PhysicsServer3D);
friend class PhysicsDirectSpaceState3DSW;
bool active;
int iterations;
real_t last_step;
int island_count;
int active_objects;
int collision_pairs;
bool using_threads;
bool doing_sync;
bool flushing_queries;
Step3DSW *stepper;
Set<const Space3DSW *> active_spaces;
PhysicsDirectBodyState3DSW *direct_state;
mutable RID_PtrOwner<Shape3DSW, true> shape_owner;
mutable RID_PtrOwner<Space3DSW, true> space_owner;
mutable RID_PtrOwner<Area3DSW, true> area_owner;
mutable RID_PtrOwner<Body3DSW, true> body_owner;
mutable RID_PtrOwner<Joint3DSW, true> joint_owner;
//void _clear_query(QuerySW *p_query);
friend class CollisionObject3DSW;
SelfList<CollisionObject3DSW>::List pending_shape_update_list;
void _update_shapes();
static PhysicsServer3DSW *singletonsw;
struct CollCbkData {
int max;
int amount;
Vector3 *ptr;
static void _shape_col_cbk(const Vector3 &p_point_A, const Vector3 &p_point_B, void *p_userdata);
virtual RID plane_shape_create() override;
virtual RID ray_shape_create() override;
virtual RID sphere_shape_create() override;
virtual RID box_shape_create() override;
virtual RID capsule_shape_create() override;
virtual RID cylinder_shape_create() override;
virtual RID convex_polygon_shape_create() override;
virtual RID concave_polygon_shape_create() override;
virtual RID heightmap_shape_create() override;
virtual RID custom_shape_create() override;
virtual void shape_set_data(RID p_shape, const Variant &p_data) override;
virtual void shape_set_custom_solver_bias(RID p_shape, real_t p_bias) override;
virtual ShapeType shape_get_type(RID p_shape) const override;
virtual Variant shape_get_data(RID p_shape) const override;
virtual void shape_set_margin(RID p_shape, real_t p_margin) override;
virtual real_t shape_get_margin(RID p_shape) const override;
virtual real_t shape_get_custom_solver_bias(RID p_shape) const override;
virtual RID space_create() override;
virtual void space_set_active(RID p_space, bool p_active) override;
virtual bool space_is_active(RID p_space) const override;
virtual void space_set_param(RID p_space, SpaceParameter p_param, real_t p_value) override;
virtual real_t space_get_param(RID p_space, SpaceParameter p_param) const override;
// this function only works on physics process, errors and returns null otherwise
virtual PhysicsDirectSpaceState3D *space_get_direct_state(RID p_space) override;
virtual void space_set_debug_contacts(RID p_space, int p_max_contacts) override;
virtual Vector<Vector3> space_get_contacts(RID p_space) const override;
virtual int space_get_contact_count(RID p_space) const override;
/* AREA API */
virtual RID area_create() override;
virtual void area_set_space_override_mode(RID p_area, AreaSpaceOverrideMode p_mode) override;
virtual AreaSpaceOverrideMode area_get_space_override_mode(RID p_area) const override;
virtual void area_set_space(RID p_area, RID p_space) override;
virtual RID area_get_space(RID p_area) const override;
virtual void area_add_shape(RID p_area, RID p_shape, const Transform &p_transform = Transform(), bool p_disabled = false) override;
virtual void area_set_shape(RID p_area, int p_shape_idx, RID p_shape) override;
virtual void area_set_shape_transform(RID p_area, int p_shape_idx, const Transform &p_transform) override;
virtual int area_get_shape_count(RID p_area) const override;
virtual RID area_get_shape(RID p_area, int p_shape_idx) const override;
virtual Transform area_get_shape_transform(RID p_area, int p_shape_idx) const override;
virtual void area_remove_shape(RID p_area, int p_shape_idx) override;
virtual void area_clear_shapes(RID p_area) override;
virtual void area_set_shape_disabled(RID p_area, int p_shape_idx, bool p_disabled) override;
virtual void area_attach_object_instance_id(RID p_area, ObjectID p_id) override;
virtual ObjectID area_get_object_instance_id(RID p_area) const override;
virtual void area_set_param(RID p_area, AreaParameter p_param, const Variant &p_value) override;
virtual void area_set_transform(RID p_area, const Transform &p_transform) override;
virtual Variant area_get_param(RID p_area, AreaParameter p_param) const override;
virtual Transform area_get_transform(RID p_area) const override;
virtual void area_set_ray_pickable(RID p_area, bool p_enable) override;
virtual void area_set_collision_mask(RID p_area, uint32_t p_mask) override;
virtual void area_set_collision_layer(RID p_area, uint32_t p_layer) override;
virtual void area_set_monitorable(RID p_area, bool p_monitorable) override;
virtual void area_set_monitor_callback(RID p_area, Object *p_receiver, const StringName &p_method) override;
virtual void area_set_area_monitor_callback(RID p_area, Object *p_receiver, const StringName &p_method) override;
/* BODY API */
// create a body of a given type
virtual RID body_create() override;
virtual void body_set_space(RID p_body, RID p_space) override;
virtual RID body_get_space(RID p_body) const override;
virtual void body_set_mode(RID p_body, BodyMode p_mode) override;
virtual BodyMode body_get_mode(RID p_body) const override;
virtual void body_add_shape(RID p_body, RID p_shape, const Transform &p_transform = Transform(), bool p_disabled = false) override;
virtual void body_set_shape(RID p_body, int p_shape_idx, RID p_shape) override;
virtual void body_set_shape_transform(RID p_body, int p_shape_idx, const Transform &p_transform) override;
virtual int body_get_shape_count(RID p_body) const override;
virtual RID body_get_shape(RID p_body, int p_shape_idx) const override;
virtual Transform body_get_shape_transform(RID p_body, int p_shape_idx) const override;
virtual void body_set_shape_disabled(RID p_body, int p_shape_idx, bool p_disabled) override;
virtual void body_remove_shape(RID p_body, int p_shape_idx) override;
virtual void body_clear_shapes(RID p_body) override;
virtual void body_attach_object_instance_id(RID p_body, ObjectID p_id) override;
virtual ObjectID body_get_object_instance_id(RID p_body) const override;
virtual void body_set_enable_continuous_collision_detection(RID p_body, bool p_enable) override;
virtual bool body_is_continuous_collision_detection_enabled(RID p_body) const override;
virtual void body_set_collision_layer(RID p_body, uint32_t p_layer) override;
virtual uint32_t body_get_collision_layer(RID p_body) const override;
virtual void body_set_collision_mask(RID p_body, uint32_t p_mask) override;
virtual uint32_t body_get_collision_mask(RID p_body) const override;
virtual void body_set_user_flags(RID p_body, uint32_t p_flags) override;
virtual uint32_t body_get_user_flags(RID p_body) const override;
virtual void body_set_param(RID p_body, BodyParameter p_param, real_t p_value) override;
virtual real_t body_get_param(RID p_body, BodyParameter p_param) const override;
virtual void body_set_kinematic_safe_margin(RID p_body, real_t p_margin) override;
virtual real_t body_get_kinematic_safe_margin(RID p_body) const override;
virtual void body_set_state(RID p_body, BodyState p_state, const Variant &p_variant) override;
virtual Variant body_get_state(RID p_body, BodyState p_state) const override;
virtual void body_set_applied_force(RID p_body, const Vector3 &p_force) override;
virtual Vector3 body_get_applied_force(RID p_body) const override;
virtual void body_set_applied_torque(RID p_body, const Vector3 &p_torque) override;
virtual Vector3 body_get_applied_torque(RID p_body) const override;
virtual void body_add_central_force(RID p_body, const Vector3 &p_force) override;
virtual void body_add_force(RID p_body, const Vector3 &p_force, const Vector3 &p_position = Vector3()) override;
virtual void body_add_torque(RID p_body, const Vector3 &p_torque) override;
virtual void body_apply_central_impulse(RID p_body, const Vector3 &p_impulse) override;
virtual void body_apply_impulse(RID p_body, const Vector3 &p_impulse, const Vector3 &p_position = Vector3()) override;
virtual void body_apply_torque_impulse(RID p_body, const Vector3 &p_impulse) override;
virtual void body_set_axis_velocity(RID p_body, const Vector3 &p_axis_velocity) override;
virtual void body_set_axis_lock(RID p_body, BodyAxis p_axis, bool p_lock) override;
virtual bool body_is_axis_locked(RID p_body, BodyAxis p_axis) const override;
virtual void body_add_collision_exception(RID p_body, RID p_body_b) override;
virtual void body_remove_collision_exception(RID p_body, RID p_body_b) override;
virtual void body_get_collision_exceptions(RID p_body, List<RID> *p_exceptions) override;
virtual void body_set_contacts_reported_depth_threshold(RID p_body, real_t p_threshold) override;
virtual real_t body_get_contacts_reported_depth_threshold(RID p_body) const override;
virtual void body_set_omit_force_integration(RID p_body, bool p_omit) override;
virtual bool body_is_omitting_force_integration(RID p_body) const override;
virtual void body_set_max_contacts_reported(RID p_body, int p_contacts) override;
virtual int body_get_max_contacts_reported(RID p_body) const override;
virtual void body_set_force_integration_callback(RID p_body, Object *p_receiver, const StringName &p_method, const Variant &p_udata = Variant()) override;
virtual void body_set_ray_pickable(RID p_body, bool p_enable) override;
virtual bool body_test_motion(RID p_body, const Transform &p_from, const Vector3 &p_motion, bool p_infinite_inertia, MotionResult *r_result = nullptr, bool p_exclude_raycast_shapes = true) override;
virtual int body_test_ray_separation(RID p_body, const Transform &p_transform, bool p_infinite_inertia, Vector3 &r_recover_motion, SeparationResult *r_results, int p_result_max, real_t p_margin = 0.001) override;
// this function only works on physics process, errors and returns null otherwise
virtual PhysicsDirectBodyState3D *body_get_direct_state(RID p_body) override;
virtual RID soft_body_create() override { return RID(); }
virtual void soft_body_update_rendering_server(RID p_body, class SoftBodyRenderingServerHandler *p_rendering_server_handler) override {}
virtual void soft_body_set_space(RID p_body, RID p_space) override {}
virtual RID soft_body_get_space(RID p_body) const override { return RID(); }
virtual void soft_body_set_collision_layer(RID p_body, uint32_t p_layer) override {}
virtual uint32_t soft_body_get_collision_layer(RID p_body) const override { return 0; }
virtual void soft_body_set_collision_mask(RID p_body, uint32_t p_mask) override {}
virtual uint32_t soft_body_get_collision_mask(RID p_body) const override { return 0; }
virtual void soft_body_add_collision_exception(RID p_body, RID p_body_b) override {}
virtual void soft_body_remove_collision_exception(RID p_body, RID p_body_b) override {}
virtual void soft_body_get_collision_exceptions(RID p_body, List<RID> *p_exceptions) override {}
virtual void soft_body_set_state(RID p_body, BodyState p_state, const Variant &p_variant) override {}
virtual Variant soft_body_get_state(RID p_body, BodyState p_state) const override { return Variant(); }
virtual void soft_body_set_transform(RID p_body, const Transform &p_transform) override {}
virtual Vector3 soft_body_get_vertex_position(RID p_body, int vertex_index) const override { return Vector3(); }
virtual void soft_body_set_ray_pickable(RID p_body, bool p_enable) override {}
virtual void soft_body_set_simulation_precision(RID p_body, int p_simulation_precision) override {}
virtual int soft_body_get_simulation_precision(RID p_body) const override { return 0; }
virtual void soft_body_set_total_mass(RID p_body, real_t p_total_mass) override {}
virtual real_t soft_body_get_total_mass(RID p_body) const override { return 0.; }
virtual void soft_body_set_linear_stiffness(RID p_body, real_t p_stiffness) override {}
virtual real_t soft_body_get_linear_stiffness(RID p_body) const override { return 0.; }
virtual void soft_body_set_angular_stiffness(RID p_body, real_t p_stiffness) override {}
virtual real_t soft_body_get_angular_stiffness(RID p_body) const override { return 0.; }
virtual void soft_body_set_volume_stiffness(RID p_body, real_t p_stiffness) override {}
virtual real_t soft_body_get_volume_stiffness(RID p_body) const override { return 0.; }
virtual void soft_body_set_pressure_coefficient(RID p_body, real_t p_pressure_coefficient) override {}
virtual real_t soft_body_get_pressure_coefficient(RID p_body) const override { return 0.; }
virtual void soft_body_set_pose_matching_coefficient(RID p_body, real_t p_pose_matching_coefficient) override {}
virtual real_t soft_body_get_pose_matching_coefficient(RID p_body) const override { return 0.; }
virtual void soft_body_set_damping_coefficient(RID p_body, real_t p_damping_coefficient) override {}
virtual real_t soft_body_get_damping_coefficient(RID p_body) const override { return 0.; }
virtual void soft_body_set_drag_coefficient(RID p_body, real_t p_drag_coefficient) override {}
virtual real_t soft_body_get_drag_coefficient(RID p_body) const override { return 0.; }
virtual void soft_body_set_mesh(RID p_body, const REF &p_mesh) override {}
virtual void soft_body_move_point(RID p_body, int p_point_index, const Vector3 &p_global_position) override {}
virtual Vector3 soft_body_get_point_global_position(RID p_body, int p_point_index) const override { return Vector3(); }
virtual Vector3 soft_body_get_point_offset(RID p_body, int p_point_index) const override { return Vector3(); }
virtual void soft_body_remove_all_pinned_points(RID p_body) override {}
virtual void soft_body_pin_point(RID p_body, int p_point_index, bool p_pin) override {}
virtual bool soft_body_is_point_pinned(RID p_body, int p_point_index) const override { return false; }
virtual RID joint_create() override;
virtual void joint_clear(RID p_joint) override; //resets type
virtual void joint_make_pin(RID p_joint, RID p_body_A, const Vector3 &p_local_A, RID p_body_B, const Vector3 &p_local_B) override;
virtual void pin_joint_set_param(RID p_joint, PinJointParam p_param, real_t p_value) override;
virtual real_t pin_joint_get_param(RID p_joint, PinJointParam p_param) const override;
virtual void pin_joint_set_local_a(RID p_joint, const Vector3 &p_A) override;
virtual Vector3 pin_joint_get_local_a(RID p_joint) const override;
virtual void pin_joint_set_local_b(RID p_joint, const Vector3 &p_B) override;
virtual Vector3 pin_joint_get_local_b(RID p_joint) const override;
virtual void joint_make_hinge(RID p_joint, RID p_body_A, const Transform &p_frame_A, RID p_body_B, const Transform &p_frame_B) override;
virtual void joint_make_hinge_simple(RID p_joint, RID p_body_A, const Vector3 &p_pivot_A, const Vector3 &p_axis_A, RID p_body_B, const Vector3 &p_pivot_B, const Vector3 &p_axis_B) override;
virtual void hinge_joint_set_param(RID p_joint, HingeJointParam p_param, real_t p_value) override;
virtual real_t hinge_joint_get_param(RID p_joint, HingeJointParam p_param) const override;
virtual void hinge_joint_set_flag(RID p_joint, HingeJointFlag p_flag, bool p_value) override;
virtual bool hinge_joint_get_flag(RID p_joint, HingeJointFlag p_flag) const override;
virtual void joint_make_slider(RID p_joint, RID p_body_A, const Transform &p_local_frame_A, RID p_body_B, const Transform &p_local_frame_B) override; //reference frame is A
virtual void slider_joint_set_param(RID p_joint, SliderJointParam p_param, real_t p_value) override;
virtual real_t slider_joint_get_param(RID p_joint, SliderJointParam p_param) const override;
virtual void joint_make_cone_twist(RID p_joint, RID p_body_A, const Transform &p_local_frame_A, RID p_body_B, const Transform &p_local_frame_B) override; //reference frame is A
virtual void cone_twist_joint_set_param(RID p_joint, ConeTwistJointParam p_param, real_t p_value) override;
virtual real_t cone_twist_joint_get_param(RID p_joint, ConeTwistJointParam p_param) const override;
virtual void joint_make_generic_6dof(RID p_joint, RID p_body_A, const Transform &p_local_frame_A, RID p_body_B, const Transform &p_local_frame_B) override; //reference frame is A
virtual void generic_6dof_joint_set_param(RID p_joint, Vector3::Axis, G6DOFJointAxisParam p_param, real_t p_value) override;
virtual real_t generic_6dof_joint_get_param(RID p_joint, Vector3::Axis, G6DOFJointAxisParam p_param) const override;
virtual void generic_6dof_joint_set_flag(RID p_joint, Vector3::Axis, G6DOFJointAxisFlag p_flag, bool p_enable) override;
virtual bool generic_6dof_joint_get_flag(RID p_joint, Vector3::Axis, G6DOFJointAxisFlag p_flag) const override;
virtual JointType joint_get_type(RID p_joint) const override;
virtual void joint_set_solver_priority(RID p_joint, int p_priority) override;
virtual int joint_get_solver_priority(RID p_joint) const override;
virtual void joint_disable_collisions_between_bodies(RID p_joint, const bool p_disable) override;
virtual bool joint_is_disabled_collisions_between_bodies(RID p_joint) const override;
/* MISC */
virtual void free(RID p_rid) override;
virtual void set_active(bool p_active) override;
virtual void init() override;
virtual void step(real_t p_step) override;
virtual void sync() override;
virtual void flush_queries() override;
virtual void end_sync() override;
virtual void finish() override;
virtual bool is_flushing_queries() const override { return flushing_queries; }
int get_process_info(ProcessInfo p_info) override;
PhysicsServer3DSW(bool p_using_threads = false);
~PhysicsServer3DSW() {}