Done with `autopep8 --select=E1`, fixes: - E101 - Reindent all lines. - E112 - Fix under-indented comments. - E113 - Fix over-indented comments. - E115 - Fix under-indented comments. - E116 - Fix over-indented comments. - E121 - Fix a badly indented line. - E122 - Fix a badly indented line. - E123 - Fix a badly indented line. - E124 - Fix a badly indented line. - E125 - Fix indentation undistinguish from the next logical line. - E126 - Fix a badly indented line. - E127 - Fix a badly indented line. - E128 - Fix a badly indented line. - E129 - Fix a badly indented line.
390 lines
13 KiB
390 lines
13 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
libvpx_dir = "#thirdparty/libvpx/"
libvpx_sources = [
libvpx_sources_intrin_x86 = [
libvpx_sources_intrin_x86_mmx = [
libvpx_sources_intrin_x86_sse2 = [
libvpx_sources_intrin_x86_ssse3 = [
libvpx_sources_intrin_x86_avx2 = [
libvpx_sources_x86asm = [
libvpx_sources_x86_64asm = [
libvpx_sources_arm = [
libvpx_sources_arm_neon = [
libvpx_sources_arm_neon_gas = [
libvpx_sources_arm_neon_armasm_ms = [
libvpx_sources_arm_neon_gas_apple = [
libvpx_sources = [libvpx_dir + file for file in libvpx_sources]
libvpx_sources_intrin_x86 = [libvpx_dir + file for file in libvpx_sources_intrin_x86]
libvpx_sources_intrin_x86_mmx = [libvpx_dir + file for file in libvpx_sources_intrin_x86_mmx]
libvpx_sources_intrin_x86_sse2 = [libvpx_dir + file for file in libvpx_sources_intrin_x86_sse2]
libvpx_sources_intrin_x86_ssse3 = [libvpx_dir + file for file in libvpx_sources_intrin_x86_ssse3]
libvpx_sources_intrin_x86_avx2 = [libvpx_dir + file for file in libvpx_sources_intrin_x86_avx2]
libvpx_sources_x86asm = [libvpx_dir + file for file in libvpx_sources_x86asm]
libvpx_sources_x86_64asm = [libvpx_dir + file for file in libvpx_sources_x86_64asm]
libvpx_sources_arm = [libvpx_dir + file for file in libvpx_sources_arm]
libvpx_sources_arm_neon = [libvpx_dir + file for file in libvpx_sources_arm_neon]
libvpx_sources_arm_neon_gas = [libvpx_dir + file for file in libvpx_sources_arm_neon_gas]
libvpx_sources_arm_neon_armasm_ms = [libvpx_dir + file for file in libvpx_sources_arm_neon_armasm_ms]
libvpx_sources_arm_neon_gas_apple = [libvpx_dir + file for file in libvpx_sources_arm_neon_gas_apple]
env_webm.Append(CPPPATH = [libvpx_dir])
env_libvpx = env.Clone()
env_libvpx.Append(CPPPATH = [libvpx_dir])
cpu_bits = env["bits"]
osx_fat = (env["platform"] == 'osx' and cpu_bits == 'fat')
webm_cpu_x86 = False
webm_cpu_arm = False
if env["platform"] == 'winrt':
if 'arm' in env["PROGSUFFIX"]:
webm_cpu_arm = True
webm_cpu_x86 = True
is_android_x86 = (env["platform"] == 'android' and env["android_arch"] == 'x86')
if is_android_x86:
cpu_bits = '32'
if osx_fat:
webm_cpu_x86 = True
webm_cpu_x86 = (cpu_bits == '32' or cpu_bits == '64') and (env["platform"] == 'windows' or env["platform"] == 'x11' or env["platform"] == 'osx' or env["platform"] == 'haiku' or is_android_x86)
webm_cpu_arm = env["platform"] == 'iphone' or env["platform"] == 'bb10' or (env["platform"] == 'android' and env["android_arch"] != 'x86')
if webm_cpu_x86:
import subprocess
import os
yasm_paths = [
yasm_found = False
devnull = open(os.devnull)
for yasm_path in yasm_paths:
yasm_found = True
subprocess.Popen([yasm_path, "--version"], stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull).communicate()
yasm_found = False
if yasm_found:
if not yasm_found:
webm_cpu_x86 = False
print "YASM is necessary for WebM SIMD optimizations."
webm_simd_optimizations = False
if webm_cpu_x86:
if osx_fat:
#'osx' platform only: run python script which will compile using 'yasm' command and then merge 32-bit and 64-bit using 'lipo' command
env_libvpx["AS"] = 'python modules/webm/libvpx/'
env_libvpx["ASFLAGS"] = '-I' + libvpx_dir[1:]
if env["platform"] == 'windows' or env["platform"] == 'winrt':
env_libvpx["ASFORMAT"] = 'win'
elif env["platform"] == 'osx':
env_libvpx["ASFORMAT"] = 'macho'
env_libvpx["ASFORMAT"] = 'elf'
env_libvpx["ASFORMAT"] += cpu_bits
env_libvpx["AS"] = 'yasm'
env_libvpx["ASFLAGS"] = '-I' + libvpx_dir[1:] + ' -f $ASFORMAT -D $ASCPU'
env_libvpx["ASCOM"] = '$AS $ASFLAGS -o $TARGET $SOURCES'
if cpu_bits == '32':
env_libvpx["ASCPU"] = 'X86_32'
elif cpu_bits == '64':
env_libvpx["ASCPU"] = 'X86_64'
webm_simd_optimizations = True
if webm_cpu_arm:
if env["platform"] == 'iphone':
env_libvpx["ASFLAGS"] = '-arch armv7'
elif env["platform"] == 'android':
env_libvpx["ASFLAGS"] = '-mfpu=neon'
elif env["platform"] == 'winrt':
env_libvpx["AS"] = 'armasm'
env_libvpx["ASFLAGS"] = ''
env_libvpx["ASCOM"] = '$AS $ASFLAGS -o $TARGET $SOURCES'
webm_simd_optimizations = True
if webm_simd_optimizations == False:
print "WebM SIMD optimizations are disabled. Check if your CPU architecture, CPU bits or platform are supported!"
env_libvpx.add_source_files(env.modules_sources, libvpx_sources)
if webm_cpu_x86:
is_clang_or_gcc = ('gcc' in env["CC"]) or ('clang' in env["CC"])
env_libvpx_mmx = env_libvpx.Clone()
if cpu_bits == '32' and is_clang_or_gcc:
env_libvpx_mmx.add_source_files(env.modules_sources, libvpx_sources_intrin_x86_mmx)
env_libvpx_sse2 = env_libvpx.Clone()
if cpu_bits == '32' and is_clang_or_gcc:
env_libvpx_sse2.add_source_files(env.modules_sources, libvpx_sources_intrin_x86_sse2)
env_libvpx_ssse3 = env_libvpx.Clone()
if is_clang_or_gcc:
env_libvpx_ssse3.add_source_files(env.modules_sources, libvpx_sources_intrin_x86_ssse3)
env_libvpx_avx2 = env_libvpx.Clone()
if is_clang_or_gcc:
env_libvpx_avx2.add_source_files(env.modules_sources, libvpx_sources_intrin_x86_avx2)
env_libvpx.add_source_files(env.modules_sources, libvpx_sources_intrin_x86)
env_libvpx.add_source_files(env.modules_sources, libvpx_sources_x86asm)
if cpu_bits == '64' or osx_fat:
env_libvpx.add_source_files(env.modules_sources, libvpx_sources_x86_64asm)
elif webm_cpu_arm:
env_libvpx.add_source_files(env.modules_sources, libvpx_sources_arm)
env_libvpx_neon = env_libvpx.Clone()
if env["platform"] == 'android' and env["android_arch"] == 'armv6':
env_libvpx_neon.add_source_files(env.modules_sources, libvpx_sources_arm_neon)
if env["platform"] == 'winrt':
env_libvpx.add_source_files(env.modules_sources, libvpx_sources_arm_neon_armasm_ms)
elif env["platform"] == 'iphone':
env_libvpx.add_source_files(env.modules_sources, libvpx_sources_arm_neon_gas_apple)
env_libvpx.add_source_files(env.modules_sources, libvpx_sources_arm_neon_gas)