Juan Linietsky c7255388e1 Remove ThreadWorkPool, replace by WorkerThreadPool
The former needs to be allocated once per usage. The later is shared for all threads, which is more efficient.
It can also be better debugged.
2022-07-25 15:39:50 +02:00

586 lines
27 KiB

/* text_server_fb.h */
/* This file is part of: */
/* */
/* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */
/* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. */
/* */
/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */
/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */
/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */
/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */
/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */
/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */
/* the following conditions: */
/* */
/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */
/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */
/* */
/* Fallback Text Server provides simplified TS functionality, without */
/* BiDi, shaping and advanced font features support. */
// Headers for building as GDExtension plug-in.
#include <godot_cpp/godot.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/core/class_db.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/core/mutex_lock.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/variant/array.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/variant/dictionary.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/variant/packed_int32_array.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/variant/packed_string_array.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/variant/packed_vector2_array.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/variant/rect2.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/variant/rid.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/variant/string.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/variant/vector2.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/variant/vector2i.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/classes/text_server.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/classes/text_server_extension.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/classes/text_server_manager.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/classes/caret_info.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/classes/global_constants_binds.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/classes/glyph.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/classes/image.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/classes/image_texture.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/classes/ref.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/templates/hash_map.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/templates/hash_set.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/templates/rid_owner.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/templates/thread_work_pool.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/templates/vector.hpp>
using namespace godot;
// Headers for building as built-in module.
#include "servers/text/text_server_extension.h"
#include "core/object/worker_thread_pool.h"
#include "core/templates/hash_map.h"
#include "core/templates/rid_owner.h"
#include "scene/resources/texture.h"
#include "modules/modules_enabled.gen.h" // For freetype, msdfgen.
// Thirdparty headers.
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#include FT_STROKER_H
#include FT_ADVANCES_H
#include FT_BBOX_H
class TextServerFallback : public TextServerExtension {
GDCLASS(TextServerFallback, TextServerExtension);
HashMap<StringName, int32_t> feature_sets;
HashMap<int32_t, StringName> feature_sets_inv;
void _insert_feature_sets();
_FORCE_INLINE_ void _insert_feature(const StringName &p_name, int32_t p_tag);
// Font cache data.
mutable FT_Library ft_library = nullptr;
const int rect_range = 1;
struct FontTexture {
Image::Format format;
PackedByteArray imgdata;
int texture_w = 0;
int texture_h = 0;
PackedInt32Array offsets;
Ref<ImageTexture> texture;
bool dirty = true;
struct FontTexturePosition {
int index = 0;
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
struct FontGlyph {
bool found = false;
int texture_idx = -1;
Rect2 rect;
Rect2 uv_rect;
Vector2 advance;
struct FontForSizeFallback {
double ascent = 0.0;
double descent = 0.0;
double underline_position = 0.0;
double underline_thickness = 0.0;
double scale = 1.0;
double oversampling = 1.0;
Vector2i size;
Vector<FontTexture> textures;
HashMap<int32_t, FontGlyph> glyph_map;
HashMap<Vector2i, Vector2> kerning_map;
FT_Face face = nullptr;
FT_StreamRec stream;
~FontForSizeFallback() {
if (face != nullptr) {
struct FontFallback {
Mutex mutex;
bool antialiased = true;
bool mipmaps = false;
bool msdf = false;
int msdf_range = 14;
int msdf_source_size = 48;
int fixed_size = 0;
bool force_autohinter = false;
TextServer::Hinting hinting = TextServer::HINTING_LIGHT;
TextServer::SubpixelPositioning subpixel_positioning = TextServer::SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_AUTO;
Dictionary variation_coordinates;
double oversampling = 0.0;
double embolden = 0.0;
Transform2D transform;
BitField<TextServer::FontStyle> style_flags = 0;
String font_name;
String style_name;
HashMap<Vector2i, FontForSizeFallback *, VariantHasher, VariantComparator> cache;
bool face_init = false;
Dictionary supported_varaitions;
Dictionary feature_overrides;
// Language/script support override.
HashMap<String, bool> language_support_overrides;
HashMap<String, bool> script_support_overrides;
PackedByteArray data;
const uint8_t *data_ptr;
size_t data_size;
int face_index = 0;
~FontFallback() {
for (const KeyValue<Vector2i, FontForSizeFallback *> &E : cache) {
_FORCE_INLINE_ FontTexturePosition find_texture_pos_for_glyph(FontForSizeFallback *p_data, int p_color_size, Image::Format p_image_format, int p_width, int p_height, bool p_msdf) const;
_FORCE_INLINE_ FontGlyph rasterize_msdf(FontFallback *p_font_data, FontForSizeFallback *p_data, int p_pixel_range, int p_rect_margin, FT_Outline *outline, const Vector2 &advance) const;
_FORCE_INLINE_ FontGlyph rasterize_bitmap(FontForSizeFallback *p_data, int p_rect_margin, FT_Bitmap bitmap, int yofs, int xofs, const Vector2 &advance) const;
_FORCE_INLINE_ bool _ensure_glyph(FontFallback *p_font_data, const Vector2i &p_size, int32_t p_glyph) const;
_FORCE_INLINE_ bool _ensure_cache_for_size(FontFallback *p_font_data, const Vector2i &p_size) const;
_FORCE_INLINE_ void _font_clear_cache(FontFallback *p_font_data);
void _generateMTSDF_threaded(uint32_t y, void *p_td) const;
_FORCE_INLINE_ Vector2i _get_size(const FontFallback *p_font_data, int p_size) const {
if (p_font_data->msdf) {
return Vector2i(p_font_data->msdf_source_size, 0);
} else if (p_font_data->fixed_size > 0) {
return Vector2i(p_font_data->fixed_size, 0);
} else {
return Vector2i(p_size, 0);
_FORCE_INLINE_ Vector2i _get_size_outline(const FontFallback *p_font_data, const Vector2i &p_size) const {
if (p_font_data->msdf) {
return Vector2i(p_font_data->msdf_source_size, 0);
} else if (p_font_data->fixed_size > 0) {
return Vector2i(p_font_data->fixed_size, MIN(p_size.y, 1));
} else {
return p_size;
// Shaped text cache data.
struct TrimData {
int trim_pos = -1;
int ellipsis_pos = -1;
Vector<Glyph> ellipsis_glyph_buf;
struct ShapedTextDataFallback {
Mutex mutex;
/* Source data */
RID parent; // Substring parent ShapedTextData.
int start = 0; // Substring start offset in the parent string.
int end = 0; // Substring end offset in the parent string.
String text;
String custom_punct;
TextServer::Direction direction = DIRECTION_LTR; // Desired text direction.
TextServer::Orientation orientation = ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL;
struct Span {
int start = -1;
int end = -1;
Array fonts;
int font_size = 0;
Variant embedded_key;
String language;
Dictionary features;
Variant meta;
Vector<Span> spans;
struct EmbeddedObject {
int pos = 0;
InlineAlignment inline_align = INLINE_ALIGNMENT_CENTER;
Rect2 rect;
HashMap<Variant, EmbeddedObject, VariantHasher, VariantComparator> objects;
/* Shaped data */
TextServer::Direction para_direction = DIRECTION_LTR; // Detected text direction.
bool valid = false; // String is shaped.
bool line_breaks_valid = false; // Line and word break flags are populated (and virtual zero width spaces inserted).
bool justification_ops_valid = false; // Virtual elongation glyphs are added to the string.
bool sort_valid = false;
bool text_trimmed = false;
bool preserve_invalid = true; // Draw hex code box instead of missing characters.
bool preserve_control = false; // Draw control characters.
double ascent = 0.0; // Ascent for horizontal layout, 1/2 of width for vertical.
double descent = 0.0; // Descent for horizontal layout, 1/2 of width for vertical.
double width = 0.0; // Width for horizontal layout, height for vertical.
double width_trimmed = 0.0;
int extra_spacing[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
double upos = 0.0;
double uthk = 0.0;
TrimData overrun_trim_data;
bool fit_width_minimum_reached = false;
Vector<Glyph> glyphs;
Vector<Glyph> glyphs_logical;
// Common data.
double oversampling = 1.0;
mutable RID_PtrOwner<FontFallback> font_owner;
mutable RID_PtrOwner<ShapedTextDataFallback> shaped_owner;
void _realign(ShapedTextDataFallback *p_sd) const;
static void _bind_methods(){};
void full_copy(ShapedTextDataFallback *p_shaped);
void invalidate(ShapedTextDataFallback *p_shaped);
virtual bool has_feature(Feature p_feature) const override;
virtual String get_name() const override;
virtual int64_t get_features() const override;
virtual void free_rid(const RID &p_rid) override;
virtual bool has(const RID &p_rid) override;
virtual bool load_support_data(const String &p_filename) override;
virtual String get_support_data_filename() const override {
return "";
virtual String get_support_data_info() const override {
return "Not supported";
virtual bool save_support_data(const String &p_filename) const override;
virtual bool is_locale_right_to_left(const String &p_locale) const override;
virtual int64_t name_to_tag(const String &p_name) const override;
virtual String tag_to_name(int64_t p_tag) const override;
/* Font interface */
virtual RID create_font() override;
virtual void font_set_data(const RID &p_font_rid, const PackedByteArray &p_data) override;
virtual void font_set_data_ptr(const RID &p_font_rid, const uint8_t *p_data_ptr, int64_t p_data_size) override;
virtual void font_set_face_index(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_index) override;
virtual int64_t font_get_face_index(const RID &p_font_rid) const override;
virtual int64_t font_get_face_count(const RID &p_font_rid) const override;
virtual void font_set_style(const RID &p_font_rid, BitField<FontStyle> p_style) override;
virtual BitField<FontStyle> font_get_style(const RID &p_font_rid) const override;
virtual void font_set_style_name(const RID &p_font_rid, const String &p_name) override;
virtual String font_get_style_name(const RID &p_font_rid) const override;
virtual void font_set_name(const RID &p_font_rid, const String &p_name) override;
virtual String font_get_name(const RID &p_font_rid) const override;
virtual void font_set_antialiased(const RID &p_font_rid, bool p_antialiased) override;
virtual bool font_is_antialiased(const RID &p_font_rid) const override;
virtual void font_set_generate_mipmaps(const RID &p_font_rid, bool p_generate_mipmaps) override;
virtual bool font_get_generate_mipmaps(const RID &p_font_rid) const override;
virtual void font_set_multichannel_signed_distance_field(const RID &p_font_rid, bool p_msdf) override;
virtual bool font_is_multichannel_signed_distance_field(const RID &p_font_rid) const override;
virtual void font_set_msdf_pixel_range(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_msdf_pixel_range) override;
virtual int64_t font_get_msdf_pixel_range(const RID &p_font_rid) const override;
virtual void font_set_msdf_size(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_msdf_size) override;
virtual int64_t font_get_msdf_size(const RID &p_font_rid) const override;
virtual void font_set_fixed_size(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_fixed_size) override;
virtual int64_t font_get_fixed_size(const RID &p_font_rid) const override;
virtual void font_set_force_autohinter(const RID &p_font_rid, bool p_force_autohinter) override;
virtual bool font_is_force_autohinter(const RID &p_font_rid) const override;
virtual void font_set_hinting(const RID &p_font_rid, TextServer::Hinting p_hinting) override;
virtual TextServer::Hinting font_get_hinting(const RID &p_font_rid) const override;
virtual void font_set_subpixel_positioning(const RID &p_font_rid, SubpixelPositioning p_subpixel) override;
virtual SubpixelPositioning font_get_subpixel_positioning(const RID &p_font_rid) const override;
virtual void font_set_embolden(const RID &p_font_rid, double p_strength) override;
virtual double font_get_embolden(const RID &p_font_rid) const override;
virtual void font_set_transform(const RID &p_font_rid, const Transform2D &p_transform) override;
virtual Transform2D font_get_transform(const RID &p_font_rid) const override;
virtual void font_set_variation_coordinates(const RID &p_font_rid, const Dictionary &p_variation_coordinates) override;
virtual Dictionary font_get_variation_coordinates(const RID &p_font_rid) const override;
virtual void font_set_oversampling(const RID &p_font_rid, double p_oversampling) override;
virtual double font_get_oversampling(const RID &p_font_rid) const override;
virtual Array font_get_size_cache_list(const RID &p_font_rid) const override;
virtual void font_clear_size_cache(const RID &p_font_rid) override;
virtual void font_remove_size_cache(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size) override;
virtual void font_set_ascent(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size, double p_ascent) override;
virtual double font_get_ascent(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size) const override;
virtual void font_set_descent(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size, double p_descent) override;
virtual double font_get_descent(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size) const override;
virtual void font_set_underline_position(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size, double p_underline_position) override;
virtual double font_get_underline_position(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size) const override;
virtual void font_set_underline_thickness(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size, double p_underline_thickness) override;
virtual double font_get_underline_thickness(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size) const override;
virtual void font_set_scale(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size, double p_scale) override;
virtual double font_get_scale(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size) const override;
virtual int64_t font_get_texture_count(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size) const override;
virtual void font_clear_textures(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size) override;
virtual void font_remove_texture(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_texture_index) override;
virtual void font_set_texture_image(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_texture_index, const Ref<Image> &p_image) override;
virtual Ref<Image> font_get_texture_image(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_texture_index) const override;
virtual void font_set_texture_offsets(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_texture_index, const PackedInt32Array &p_offset) override;
virtual PackedInt32Array font_get_texture_offsets(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_texture_index) const override;
virtual Array font_get_glyph_list(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size) const override;
virtual void font_clear_glyphs(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size) override;
virtual void font_remove_glyph(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_glyph) override;
virtual Vector2 font_get_glyph_advance(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size, int64_t p_glyph) const override;
virtual void font_set_glyph_advance(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size, int64_t p_glyph, const Vector2 &p_advance) override;
virtual Vector2 font_get_glyph_offset(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_glyph) const override;
virtual void font_set_glyph_offset(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_glyph, const Vector2 &p_offset) override;
virtual Vector2 font_get_glyph_size(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_glyph) const override;
virtual void font_set_glyph_size(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_glyph, const Vector2 &p_gl_size) override;
virtual Rect2 font_get_glyph_uv_rect(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_glyph) const override;
virtual void font_set_glyph_uv_rect(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_glyph, const Rect2 &p_uv_rect) override;
virtual int64_t font_get_glyph_texture_idx(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_glyph) const override;
virtual void font_set_glyph_texture_idx(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_glyph, int64_t p_texture_idx) override;
virtual RID font_get_glyph_texture_rid(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_glyph) const override;
virtual Size2 font_get_glyph_texture_size(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_glyph) const override;
virtual Dictionary font_get_glyph_contours(const RID &p_font, int64_t p_size, int64_t p_index) const override;
virtual Array font_get_kerning_list(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size) const override;
virtual void font_clear_kerning_map(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size) override;
virtual void font_remove_kerning(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size, const Vector2i &p_glyph_pair) override;
virtual void font_set_kerning(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size, const Vector2i &p_glyph_pair, const Vector2 &p_kerning) override;
virtual Vector2 font_get_kerning(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size, const Vector2i &p_glyph_pair) const override;
virtual int64_t font_get_glyph_index(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size, int64_t p_char, int64_t p_variation_selector = 0) const override;
virtual bool font_has_char(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_char) const override;
virtual String font_get_supported_chars(const RID &p_font_rid) const override;
virtual void font_render_range(const RID &p_font, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_start, int64_t p_end) override;
virtual void font_render_glyph(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_index) override;
virtual void font_draw_glyph(const RID &p_font, const RID &p_canvas, int64_t p_size, const Vector2 &p_pos, int64_t p_index, const Color &p_color = Color(1, 1, 1)) const override;
virtual void font_draw_glyph_outline(const RID &p_font, const RID &p_canvas, int64_t p_size, int64_t p_outline_size, const Vector2 &p_pos, int64_t p_index, const Color &p_color = Color(1, 1, 1)) const override;
virtual bool font_is_language_supported(const RID &p_font_rid, const String &p_language) const override;
virtual void font_set_language_support_override(const RID &p_font_rid, const String &p_language, bool p_supported) override;
virtual bool font_get_language_support_override(const RID &p_font_rid, const String &p_language) override;
virtual void font_remove_language_support_override(const RID &p_font_rid, const String &p_language) override;
virtual PackedStringArray font_get_language_support_overrides(const RID &p_font_rid) override;
virtual bool font_is_script_supported(const RID &p_font_rid, const String &p_script) const override;
virtual void font_set_script_support_override(const RID &p_font_rid, const String &p_script, bool p_supported) override;
virtual bool font_get_script_support_override(const RID &p_font_rid, const String &p_script) override;
virtual void font_remove_script_support_override(const RID &p_font_rid, const String &p_script) override;
virtual PackedStringArray font_get_script_support_overrides(const RID &p_font_rid) override;
virtual void font_set_opentype_feature_overrides(const RID &p_font_rid, const Dictionary &p_overrides) override;
virtual Dictionary font_get_opentype_feature_overrides(const RID &p_font_rid) const override;
virtual Dictionary font_supported_feature_list(const RID &p_font_rid) const override;
virtual Dictionary font_supported_variation_list(const RID &p_font_rid) const override;
virtual double font_get_global_oversampling() const override;
virtual void font_set_global_oversampling(double p_oversampling) override;
/* Shaped text buffer interface */
virtual RID create_shaped_text(Direction p_direction = DIRECTION_AUTO, Orientation p_orientation = ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) override;
virtual void shaped_text_clear(const RID &p_shaped) override;
virtual void shaped_text_set_direction(const RID &p_shaped, Direction p_direction = DIRECTION_AUTO) override;
virtual Direction shaped_text_get_direction(const RID &p_shaped) const override;
virtual Direction shaped_text_get_inferred_direction(const RID &p_shaped) const override;
virtual void shaped_text_set_bidi_override(const RID &p_shaped, const Array &p_override) override;
virtual void shaped_text_set_custom_punctuation(const RID &p_shaped, const String &p_punct) override;
virtual String shaped_text_get_custom_punctuation(const RID &p_shaped) const override;
virtual void shaped_text_set_orientation(const RID &p_shaped, Orientation p_orientation = ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) override;
virtual Orientation shaped_text_get_orientation(const RID &p_shaped) const override;
virtual void shaped_text_set_preserve_invalid(const RID &p_shaped, bool p_enabled) override;
virtual bool shaped_text_get_preserve_invalid(const RID &p_shaped) const override;
virtual void shaped_text_set_preserve_control(const RID &p_shaped, bool p_enabled) override;
virtual bool shaped_text_get_preserve_control(const RID &p_shaped) const override;
virtual void shaped_text_set_spacing(const RID &p_shaped, SpacingType p_spacing, int64_t p_value) override;
virtual int64_t shaped_text_get_spacing(const RID &p_shaped, SpacingType p_spacing) const override;
virtual bool shaped_text_add_string(const RID &p_shaped, const String &p_text, const Array &p_fonts, int64_t p_size, const Dictionary &p_opentype_features = Dictionary(), const String &p_language = "", const Variant &p_meta = Variant()) override;
virtual bool shaped_text_add_object(const RID &p_shaped, const Variant &p_key, const Size2 &p_size, InlineAlignment p_inline_align = INLINE_ALIGNMENT_CENTER, int64_t p_length = 1) override;
virtual bool shaped_text_resize_object(const RID &p_shaped, const Variant &p_key, const Size2 &p_size, InlineAlignment p_inline_align = INLINE_ALIGNMENT_CENTER) override;
virtual int64_t shaped_get_span_count(const RID &p_shaped) const override;
virtual Variant shaped_get_span_meta(const RID &p_shaped, int64_t p_index) const override;
virtual void shaped_set_span_update_font(const RID &p_shaped, int64_t p_index, const Array &p_fonts, int64_t p_size, const Dictionary &p_opentype_features = Dictionary()) override;
virtual RID shaped_text_substr(const RID &p_shaped, int64_t p_start, int64_t p_length) const override;
virtual RID shaped_text_get_parent(const RID &p_shaped) const override;
virtual double shaped_text_fit_to_width(const RID &p_shaped, double p_width, BitField<TextServer::JustificationFlag> p_jst_flags = JUSTIFICATION_WORD_BOUND | JUSTIFICATION_KASHIDA) override;
virtual double shaped_text_tab_align(const RID &p_shaped, const PackedFloat32Array &p_tab_stops) override;
virtual bool shaped_text_shape(const RID &p_shaped) override;
virtual bool shaped_text_update_breaks(const RID &p_shaped) override;
virtual bool shaped_text_update_justification_ops(const RID &p_shaped) override;
virtual int64_t shaped_text_get_trim_pos(const RID &p_shaped) const override;
virtual int64_t shaped_text_get_ellipsis_pos(const RID &p_shaped) const override;
virtual const Glyph *shaped_text_get_ellipsis_glyphs(const RID &p_shaped) const override;
virtual int64_t shaped_text_get_ellipsis_glyph_count(const RID &p_shaped) const override;
virtual void shaped_text_overrun_trim_to_width(const RID &p_shaped, double p_width, BitField<TextServer::TextOverrunFlag> p_trim_flags) override;
virtual bool shaped_text_is_ready(const RID &p_shaped) const override;
virtual const Glyph *shaped_text_get_glyphs(const RID &p_shaped) const override;
virtual const Glyph *shaped_text_sort_logical(const RID &p_shaped) override;
virtual int64_t shaped_text_get_glyph_count(const RID &p_shaped) const override;
virtual Vector2i shaped_text_get_range(const RID &p_shaped) const override;
virtual Array shaped_text_get_objects(const RID &p_shaped) const override;
virtual Rect2 shaped_text_get_object_rect(const RID &p_shaped, const Variant &p_key) const override;
virtual Size2 shaped_text_get_size(const RID &p_shaped) const override;
virtual double shaped_text_get_ascent(const RID &p_shaped) const override;
virtual double shaped_text_get_descent(const RID &p_shaped) const override;
virtual double shaped_text_get_width(const RID &p_shaped) const override;
virtual double shaped_text_get_underline_position(const RID &p_shaped) const override;
virtual double shaped_text_get_underline_thickness(const RID &p_shaped) const override;
virtual PackedInt32Array string_get_word_breaks(const String &p_string, const String &p_language = "") const override;
virtual String string_to_upper(const String &p_string, const String &p_language = "") const override;
virtual String string_to_lower(const String &p_string, const String &p_language = "") const override;
#endif // TEXT_SERVER_FB_H