This is necessary to separate subsequent uploads to the Google Play store as each upload needs to increment the version code.
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// Gradle build config for Godot Engine's Android port.
plugins {
id ''
id ''
dependencies {
implementation libraries.kotlinStdLib
implementation libraries.androidxFragment
implementation project(":lib")
implementation "androidx.window:window:1.0.0"
ext {
// Build number added as a suffix to the version code, and incremented for each build/upload to
// the Google Play store.
// This should be reset on each stable release of Godot.
editorBuildNumber = 0
// Value by which the Godot version code should be offset by to make room for the build number
editorBuildNumberOffset = 100
def generateVersionCode() {
int libraryVersionCode = getGodotLibraryVersionCode()
return (libraryVersionCode * editorBuildNumberOffset) + editorBuildNumber
def generateVersionName() {
String libraryVersionName = getGodotLibraryVersionName()
return libraryVersionName + ".$editorBuildNumber"
android {
compileSdkVersion versions.compileSdk
buildToolsVersion versions.buildTools
ndkVersion versions.ndkVersion
defaultConfig {
// The 'applicationId' suffix allows to install Godot 3.x(v3) and 4.x(v4) on the same device
applicationId "org.godotengine.editor.v4"
versionCode generateVersionCode()
versionName generateVersionName()
minSdkVersion versions.minSdk
targetSdkVersion versions.targetSdk
missingDimensionStrategy 'products', 'editor'
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility versions.javaVersion
targetCompatibility versions.javaVersion
kotlinOptions {
jvmTarget = versions.javaVersion
buildTypes {
dev {
initWith debug
applicationIdSuffix ".dev"
debug {
initWith release
// Need to swap with the release signing config when this is ready for public release.
signingConfig signingConfigs.debug
release {
// This buildtype is disabled below.
// The editor can't be used with target=release only, as debugging tools are then not
// included, and it would crash on errors instead of reporting them.
packagingOptions {
// 'doNotStrip' is enabled for development within Android Studio
if (shouldNotStrip()) {
doNotStrip '**/*.so'
// Disable 'release' buildtype.
// The editor can't be used with target=release only, as debugging tools are then not
// included, and it would crash on errors instead of reporting them.
variantFilter { variant ->
if ( == "release") {
applicationVariants.all { variant ->
variant.outputs.all { output ->
def suffix = == "dev" ? "_dev" : ""
output.outputFileName = "android_editor${suffix}.apk"