-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -Fixes to Collada Exporter (avoid crash situtions) -Fixed to Collada Importer (Fixed Animation Optimizer Bugs) -Fixes to RigidBody/RigidBody2D body_enter/body_exit, was buggy -Fixed ability for RigidBody/RigidBody2D to get contacts reported and bodyin/out in Kinematic mode. -Added proper trigger support for 3D Physics shapes -Changed proper value for Z-Offset in OmniLight -Fixed spot attenuation bug in SpotLight -Fixed some 3D and 2D spatial soudn bugs related to distance attenuation. -Fixed bugs in EventPlayer (channels were muted by default) -Fix in ButtonGroup (get nodes in group are now returned in order) -Fixed Linear->SRGB Conversion, previous algo sucked, new algo works OK -Changed SRGB->Linear conversion to use hardware if supported, improves texture quality a lot -Fixed options for Y-Fov and X-Fov in camera, should be more intuitive. -Fixed bugs related to viewports and transparency Huge Amount of New Stuff: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=- -Ability to manually advance an AnimationPlayer that is inactive (with advance() function) -More work in WinRT platform -Added XY normalmap support, imports on this format by default. Reduces normlmap size and enables much nice compression using LATC -Added Anisotropic filter support to textures, can be specified on import -Added support for Non-Square, Isometric and Hexagonal tilemaps in TileMap. -Added Isometric Dungeon demo. -Added simple hexagonal map demo. -Added Truck-Town demo. Shows how most types of joints and vehicles are used. Please somebody make a nicer town, this one is too hardcore. -Added an Object-Picking API to both RigidBody and Area! (and relevant demo)
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69 lines
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extends Camera
# member variables here, example:
# var a=2
# var b="textvar"
var collision_exception=[]
export var min_distance=0.5
export var max_distance=4.0
export var angle_v_adjust=0.0
export var autoturn_ray_aperture=25
export var autoturn_speed=50
var max_height = 2.0
var min_height = 0
func _fixed_process(dt):
var target = get_parent().get_global_transform().origin
var pos = get_global_transform().origin
var up = Vector3(0,1,0)
var delta = pos - target
#regular delta follow
#check ranges
if (delta.length() < min_distance):
delta = delta.normalized() * min_distance
elif (delta.length() > max_distance):
delta = delta.normalized() * max_distance
#check upper and lower height
if ( delta.y > max_height):
delta.y = max_height
if ( delta.y < min_height):
delta.y = min_height
pos = target + delta
#turn a little up or down
var t = get_transform()
t.basis = Matrix3(t.basis[0],deg2rad(angle_v_adjust)) * t.basis
func _ready():
#find collision exceptions for ray
var node = self
if (node extends RigidBody):
# Initalization here
#this detaches the camera transform from the parent spatial node