- update gradle plugins versions
- add formatting rules for AndroidManifest and gradle build files
- cleanup java_godot_lib_jni
Note: logic was mostly moved around and no new logic/functionality was added.
Example: To generate for the `release` build target and for the `armv7`, `arm64v8` and `x86` architectures, run the commands:
cd godot
scons -j4 platform=android target=release android_arch=armv7
scons -j4 platform=android target=release android_arch=arm64v8
scons -j4 platform=android target=release android_arch=x86
cd platform/android/java
./gradlew generateGodotTemplates
- The generated build templates will be located in the `godot/bin` directory (i.e: `android_debug.apk`, `android_release.apk`, `android_source.zip`).
- The gradle command will only generate templates for the target(s) with available native shared libraries. For example, running the commands above will only generate the `android_release.apk` and `android_source.zip` files.
To delete the generated artifacts, the following commands can be used:
cd platform/android/java
./gradlew cleanGodotTemplates
The application module `app` serves double duties of providing the prebuilt Godot binaries ('android_debug.apk', 'android_release.apk') and the Godot custom build template ('android_source.zip').