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2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
/* tile_map.cpp */
/* This file is part of: */
/* */
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
/* Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */
/* Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. */
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
/* */
/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */
/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */
/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */
/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */
/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */
/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */
/* the following conditions: */
/* */
/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */
/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */
/* */
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
#include "tile_map.h"
#include "core/io/marshalls.h"
#include "servers/navigation_server_2d.h"
void TileMapPattern::set_cell(const Vector2i &p_coords, int p_source_id, const Vector2i p_atlas_coords, int p_alternative_tile) {
ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(p_coords.x < 0 || p_coords.y < 0, vformat("Cannot set cell with negative coords in a TileMapPattern. Wrong coords: %s", p_coords));
size = size.max(p_coords + Vector2i(1, 1));
pattern[p_coords] = TileMapCell(p_source_id, p_atlas_coords, p_alternative_tile);
bool TileMapPattern::has_cell(const Vector2i &p_coords) const {
return pattern.has(p_coords);
void TileMapPattern::remove_cell(const Vector2i &p_coords, bool p_update_size) {
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
if (p_update_size) {
size = Vector2i();
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
for (const KeyValue<Vector2i, TileMapCell> &E : pattern) {
size = size.max(E.key + Vector2i(1, 1));
int TileMapPattern::get_cell_source_id(const Vector2i &p_coords) const {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!pattern.has(p_coords), TileSet::INVALID_SOURCE);
return pattern[p_coords].source_id;
Vector2i TileMapPattern::get_cell_atlas_coords(const Vector2i &p_coords) const {
2021-05-18 15:40:52 +02:00
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!pattern.has(p_coords), TileSetSource::INVALID_ATLAS_COORDS);
return pattern[p_coords].get_atlas_coords();
int TileMapPattern::get_cell_alternative_tile(const Vector2i &p_coords) const {
2021-05-18 15:40:52 +02:00
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!pattern.has(p_coords), TileSetSource::INVALID_TILE_ALTERNATIVE);
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
return pattern[p_coords].alternative_tile;
TypedArray<Vector2i> TileMapPattern::get_used_cells() const {
// Returns the cells used in the tilemap.
TypedArray<Vector2i> a;
int i = 0;
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
for (const KeyValue<Vector2i, TileMapCell> &E : pattern) {
Vector2i p(E.key.x, E.key.y);
a[i++] = p;
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return a;
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
Vector2i TileMapPattern::get_size() const {
return size;
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void TileMapPattern::set_size(const Vector2i &p_size) {
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
for (const KeyValue<Vector2i, TileMapCell> &E : pattern) {
Vector2i coords = E.key;
if (p_size.x <= coords.x || p_size.y <= coords.y) {
ERR_FAIL_MSG(vformat("Cannot set pattern size to %s, it contains a tile at %s. Size can only be increased.", p_size, coords));
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size = p_size;
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
bool TileMapPattern::is_empty() const {
return pattern.is_empty();
void TileMapPattern::clear() {
size = Vector2i();
void TileMapPattern::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_cell", "coords", "source_id", "atlas_coords", "alternative_tile"), &TileMapPattern::set_cell, DEFVAL(TileSet::INVALID_SOURCE), DEFVAL(TileSetSource::INVALID_ATLAS_COORDS), DEFVAL(TileSetSource::INVALID_TILE_ALTERNATIVE));
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("has_cell", "coords"), &TileMapPattern::has_cell);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("remove_cell", "coords"), &TileMapPattern::remove_cell);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_cell_source_id", "coords"), &TileMapPattern::get_cell_source_id);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_cell_atlas_coords", "coords"), &TileMapPattern::get_cell_atlas_coords);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_cell_alternative_tile", "coords"), &TileMapPattern::get_cell_alternative_tile);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_used_cells"), &TileMapPattern::get_used_cells);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_size"), &TileMapPattern::get_size);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_size", "size"), &TileMapPattern::set_size);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_empty"), &TileMapPattern::is_empty);
Vector2i TileMap::transform_coords_layout(Vector2i p_coords, TileSet::TileOffsetAxis p_offset_axis, TileSet::TileLayout p_from_layout, TileSet::TileLayout p_to_layout) {
// Transform to stacked layout.
Vector2i output = p_coords;
if (p_offset_axis == TileSet::TILE_OFFSET_AXIS_VERTICAL) {
SWAP(output.x, output.y);
switch (p_from_layout) {
if (output.y % 2) {
output.x -= 1;
if ((p_from_layout == TileSet::TILE_LAYOUT_STAIRS_RIGHT) ^ (p_offset_axis == TileSet::TILE_OFFSET_AXIS_VERTICAL)) {
if (output.y < 0 && bool(output.y % 2)) {
output = Vector2i(output.x + output.y / 2 - 1, output.y);
} else {
output = Vector2i(output.x + output.y / 2, output.y);
} else {
if (output.x < 0 && bool(output.x % 2)) {
output = Vector2i(output.x / 2 - 1, output.x + output.y * 2);
} else {
output = Vector2i(output.x / 2, output.x + output.y * 2);
if ((p_from_layout == TileSet::TILE_LAYOUT_DIAMOND_RIGHT) ^ (p_offset_axis == TileSet::TILE_OFFSET_AXIS_VERTICAL)) {
if ((output.x + output.y) < 0 && (output.x - output.y) % 2) {
output = Vector2i((output.x + output.y) / 2 - 1, output.y - output.x);
} else {
output = Vector2i((output.x + output.y) / 2, -output.x + output.y);
} else {
if ((output.x - output.y) < 0 && (output.x + output.y) % 2) {
output = Vector2i((output.x - output.y) / 2 - 1, output.x + output.y);
} else {
output = Vector2i((output.x - output.y) / 2, output.x + output.y);
switch (p_to_layout) {
if (output.y % 2) {
output.x += 1;
if ((p_to_layout == TileSet::TILE_LAYOUT_STAIRS_RIGHT) ^ (p_offset_axis == TileSet::TILE_OFFSET_AXIS_VERTICAL)) {
if (output.y < 0 && (output.y % 2)) {
output = Vector2i(output.x - output.y / 2 + 1, output.y);
} else {
output = Vector2i(output.x - output.y / 2, output.y);
} else {
if (output.y % 2) {
if (output.y < 0) {
output = Vector2i(2 * output.x + 1, -output.x + output.y / 2 - 1);
} else {
output = Vector2i(2 * output.x + 1, -output.x + output.y / 2);
} else {
output = Vector2i(2 * output.x, -output.x + output.y / 2);
if ((p_to_layout == TileSet::TILE_LAYOUT_DIAMOND_RIGHT) ^ (p_offset_axis == TileSet::TILE_OFFSET_AXIS_VERTICAL)) {
if (output.y % 2) {
if (output.y > 0) {
output = Vector2i(output.x - output.y / 2, output.x + output.y / 2 + 1);
} else {
output = Vector2i(output.x - output.y / 2 + 1, output.x + output.y / 2);
} else {
output = Vector2i(output.x - output.y / 2, output.x + output.y / 2);
} else {
if (output.y % 2) {
if (output.y < 0) {
output = Vector2i(output.x + output.y / 2, -output.x + output.y / 2 - 1);
} else {
output = Vector2i(output.x + output.y / 2 + 1, -output.x + output.y / 2);
} else {
output = Vector2i(output.x + output.y / 2, -output.x + output.y / 2);
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if (p_offset_axis == TileSet::TILE_OFFSET_AXIS_VERTICAL) {
SWAP(output.x, output.y);
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return output;
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
int TileMap::get_effective_quadrant_size(int p_layer) const {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_layer, (int)layers.size(), 1);
// When using YSort, the quadrant size is reduced to 1 to have one CanvasItem per quadrant
if (is_y_sort_enabled() && layers[p_layer].y_sort_enabled) {
return 1;
} else {
return quadrant_size;
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void TileMap::set_selected_layer(int p_layer_id) {
ERR_FAIL_COND(p_layer_id < -1 || p_layer_id >= (int)layers.size());
selected_layer = p_layer_id;
int TileMap::get_selected_layer() const {
return selected_layer;
void TileMap::_notification(int p_what) {
switch (p_what) {
pending_update = true;
} break;
} break;
// Transfers the notification to tileset plugins.
if (tile_set.is_valid()) {
Ref<TileSet> TileMap::get_tileset() const {
return tile_set;
void TileMap::set_tileset(const Ref<TileSet> &p_tileset) {
if (p_tileset == tile_set) {
// Set the tileset, registering to its changes.
if (tile_set.is_valid()) {
tile_set->disconnect("changed", callable_mp(this, &TileMap::_tile_set_changed));
if (!p_tileset.is_valid()) {
tile_set = p_tileset;
if (tile_set.is_valid()) {
tile_set->connect("changed", callable_mp(this, &TileMap::_tile_set_changed));
void TileMap::set_quadrant_size(int p_size) {
ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(p_size < 1, "TileMapQuadrant size cannot be smaller than 1.");
quadrant_size = p_size;
int TileMap::get_quadrant_size() const {
return quadrant_size;
int TileMap::get_layers_count() const {
return layers.size();
void TileMap::add_layer(int p_to_pos) {
if (p_to_pos < 0) {
p_to_pos = layers.size();
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_to_pos, (int)layers.size() + 1);
// Must clear before adding the layer.
layers.insert(p_to_pos, TileMapLayer());
void TileMap::move_layer(int p_layer, int p_to_pos) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_layer, (int)layers.size());
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_to_pos, (int)layers.size() + 1);
// Clear before shuffling layers.
TileMapLayer tl = layers[p_layer];
layers.insert(p_to_pos, tl);
layers.remove(p_to_pos < p_layer ? p_layer + 1 : p_layer);
if (selected_layer == p_layer) {
selected_layer = p_to_pos < p_layer ? p_to_pos - 1 : p_to_pos;
void TileMap::remove_layer(int p_layer) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_layer, (int)layers.size());
// Clear before removing the layer.
if (selected_layer >= p_layer) {
selected_layer -= 1;
void TileMap::set_layer_name(int p_layer, String p_name) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_layer, (int)layers.size());
layers[p_layer].name = p_name;
String TileMap::get_layer_name(int p_layer) const {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_layer, (int)layers.size(), String());
return layers[p_layer].name;
void TileMap::set_layer_enabled(int p_layer, bool p_enabled) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_layer, (int)layers.size());
layers[p_layer].enabled = p_enabled;
bool TileMap::is_layer_enabled(int p_layer) const {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_layer, (int)layers.size(), false);
return layers[p_layer].enabled;
void TileMap::set_layer_y_sort_enabled(int p_layer, bool p_y_sort_enabled) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_layer, (int)layers.size());
layers[p_layer].y_sort_enabled = p_y_sort_enabled;
bool TileMap::is_layer_y_sort_enabled(int p_layer) const {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_layer, (int)layers.size(), false);
return layers[p_layer].y_sort_enabled;
void TileMap::set_layer_y_sort_origin(int p_layer, int p_y_sort_origin) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_layer, (int)layers.size());
layers[p_layer].y_sort_origin = p_y_sort_origin;
int TileMap::get_layer_y_sort_origin(int p_layer) const {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_layer, (int)layers.size(), false);
return layers[p_layer].y_sort_origin;
void TileMap::set_layer_z_index(int p_layer, int p_z_index) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_layer, (int)layers.size());
layers[p_layer].z_index = p_z_index;
int TileMap::get_layer_z_index(int p_layer) const {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_layer, (int)layers.size(), false);
return layers[p_layer].z_index;
void TileMap::set_collision_animatable(bool p_enabled) {
collision_animatable = p_enabled;
bool TileMap::is_collision_animatable() const {
return collision_animatable;
void TileMap::set_collision_visibility_mode(TileMap::VisibilityMode p_show_collision) {
collision_visibility_mode = p_show_collision;
TileMap::VisibilityMode TileMap::get_collision_visibility_mode() {
return collision_visibility_mode;
void TileMap::set_navigation_visibility_mode(TileMap::VisibilityMode p_show_navigation) {
navigation_visibility_mode = p_show_navigation;
TileMap::VisibilityMode TileMap::get_navigation_visibility_mode() {
return navigation_visibility_mode;
void TileMap::set_y_sort_enabled(bool p_enable) {
Vector2i TileMap::_coords_to_quadrant_coords(int p_layer, const Vector2i &p_coords) const {
int quadrant_size = get_effective_quadrant_size(p_layer);
// Rounding down, instead of simply rounding towards zero (truncating)
return Vector2i(
p_coords.x > 0 ? p_coords.x / quadrant_size : (p_coords.x - (quadrant_size - 1)) / quadrant_size,
p_coords.y > 0 ? p_coords.y / quadrant_size : (p_coords.y - (quadrant_size - 1)) / quadrant_size);
Map<Vector2i, TileMapQuadrant>::Element *TileMap::_create_quadrant(int p_layer, const Vector2i &p_qk) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_layer, (int)layers.size(), nullptr);
TileMapQuadrant q;
q.layer = p_layer;
q.coords = p_qk;
rect_cache_dirty = true;
// Create the debug canvas item.
RenderingServer *rs = RenderingServer::get_singleton();
q.debug_canvas_item = rs->canvas_item_create();
rs->canvas_item_set_z_index(q.debug_canvas_item, RS::CANVAS_ITEM_Z_MAX - 1);
rs->canvas_item_set_parent(q.debug_canvas_item, get_canvas_item());
// Call the create_quadrant method on plugins
if (tile_set.is_valid()) {
return layers[p_layer].quadrant_map.insert(p_qk, q);
void TileMap::_make_quadrant_dirty(Map<Vector2i, TileMapQuadrant>::Element *Q) {
// Make the given quadrant dirty, then trigger an update later.
TileMapQuadrant &q = Q->get();
if (!q.dirty_list_element.in_list()) {
void TileMap::_make_all_quadrants_dirty() {
// Make all quandrants dirty, then trigger an update later.
for (unsigned int layer = 0; layer < layers.size(); layer++) {
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
for (KeyValue<Vector2i, TileMapQuadrant> &E : layers[layer].quadrant_map) {
if (!E.value.dirty_list_element.in_list()) {
void TileMap::_queue_update_dirty_quadrants() {
if (pending_update || !is_inside_tree()) {
pending_update = true;
void TileMap::_update_dirty_quadrants() {
if (!pending_update) {
if (!is_inside_tree() || !tile_set.is_valid()) {
pending_update = false;
for (unsigned int layer = 0; layer < layers.size(); layer++) {
// Update the coords cache.
for (SelfList<TileMapQuadrant> *q = layers[layer].dirty_quadrant_list.first(); q; q = q->next()) {
for (Set<Vector2i>::Element *E = q->self()->cells.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
Vector2i pk = E->get();
Vector2i pk_world_coords = map_to_world(pk);
q->self()->map_to_world[pk] = pk_world_coords;
q->self()->world_to_map[pk_world_coords] = pk;
// Call the update_dirty_quadrant method on plugins.
// Redraw the debug canvas_items.
RenderingServer *rs = RenderingServer::get_singleton();
for (SelfList<TileMapQuadrant> *q = layers[layer].dirty_quadrant_list.first(); q; q = q->next()) {
Transform2D xform;
xform.set_origin(map_to_world(q->self()->coords * get_effective_quadrant_size(layer)));
rs->canvas_item_set_transform(q->self()->debug_canvas_item, xform);
// Clear the list
while (layers[layer].dirty_quadrant_list.first()) {
pending_update = false;
void TileMap::_recreate_internals() {
for (unsigned int layer = 0; layer < layers.size(); layer++) {
// Make sure that _clear_internals() was called prior.
ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(layers[layer].quadrant_map.size() > 0, "TileMap layer " + itos(layer) + " had a non-empty quadrant map.");
if (!layers[layer].enabled) {
// Upadate the layer internals.
// Recreate the quadrants.
const Map<Vector2i, TileMapCell> &tile_map = layers[layer].tile_map;
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
for (const KeyValue<Vector2i, TileMapCell> &E : tile_map) {
Vector2i qk = _coords_to_quadrant_coords(layer, Vector2i(E.key.x, E.key.y));
Map<Vector2i, TileMapQuadrant>::Element *Q = layers[layer].quadrant_map.find(qk);
if (!Q) {
Q = _create_quadrant(layer, qk);
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
Vector2i pk = E.key;
void TileMap::_erase_quadrant(Map<Vector2i, TileMapQuadrant>::Element *Q) {
// Remove a quadrant.
TileMapQuadrant *q = &(Q->get());
// Call the cleanup_quadrant method on plugins.
if (tile_set.is_valid()) {
// Remove the quadrant from the dirty_list if it is there.
if (q->dirty_list_element.in_list()) {
// Free the debug canvas item.
RenderingServer *rs = RenderingServer::get_singleton();
rect_cache_dirty = true;
void TileMap::_clear_layer_internals(int p_layer) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_layer, (int)layers.size());
// Clear quadrants.
while (layers[p_layer].quadrant_map.size()) {
// Clear the layers internals.
// Clear the dirty quadrants list.
while (layers[p_layer].dirty_quadrant_list.first()) {
void TileMap::_clear_internals() {
// Clear quadrants.
for (unsigned int layer = 0; layer < layers.size(); layer++) {
void TileMap::_recompute_rect_cache() {
// Compute the displayed area of the tilemap.
if (!rect_cache_dirty) {
Rect2 r_total;
for (unsigned int layer = 0; layer < layers.size(); layer++) {
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
for (const Map<Vector2i, TileMapQuadrant>::Element *E = layers[layer].quadrant_map.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
Rect2 r;
r.position = map_to_world(E->key() * get_effective_quadrant_size(layer));
r.expand_to(map_to_world((E->key() + Vector2i(1, 0)) * get_effective_quadrant_size(layer)));
r.expand_to(map_to_world((E->key() + Vector2i(1, 1)) * get_effective_quadrant_size(layer)));
r.expand_to(map_to_world((E->key() + Vector2i(0, 1)) * get_effective_quadrant_size(layer)));
if (E == layers[layer].quadrant_map.front()) {
r_total = r;
} else {
r_total = r_total.merge(r);
rect_cache = r_total;
rect_cache_dirty = false;
/////////////////////////////// Rendering //////////////////////////////////////
void TileMap::_rendering_notification(int p_what) {
switch (p_what) {
bool visible = is_visible_in_tree();
for (int layer = 0; layer < (int)layers.size(); layer++) {
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
for (KeyValue<Vector2i, TileMapQuadrant> &E_quadrant : layers[layer].quadrant_map) {
TileMapQuadrant &q = E_quadrant.value;
// Update occluders transform.
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for (const KeyValue<Vector2i, Vector2i> &E_cell : q.world_to_map) {
Transform2D xform;
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
for (const RID &occluder : q.occluders) {
RS::get_singleton()->canvas_light_occluder_set_enabled(occluder, visible);
} break;
if (!is_inside_tree()) {
for (int layer = 0; layer < (int)layers.size(); layer++) {
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for (KeyValue<Vector2i, TileMapQuadrant> &E_quadrant : layers[layer].quadrant_map) {
TileMapQuadrant &q = E_quadrant.value;
// Update occluders transform.
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for (const KeyValue<Vector2i, Vector2i> &E_cell : q.world_to_map) {
Transform2D xform;
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
for (const RID &occluder : q.occluders) {
RS::get_singleton()->canvas_light_occluder_set_transform(occluder, get_global_transform() * xform);
} break;
case CanvasItem::NOTIFICATION_DRAW: {
if (tile_set.is_valid()) {
RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_set_sort_children_by_y(get_canvas_item(), is_y_sort_enabled());
} break;
void TileMap::_rendering_update_layer(int p_layer) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_layer, (int)layers.size());
RenderingServer *rs = RenderingServer::get_singleton();
if (!layers[p_layer].canvas_item.is_valid()) {
RID ci = rs->canvas_item_create();
rs->canvas_item_set_parent(ci, get_canvas_item());
/*Transform2D xform;
xform.set_origin(Vector2(0, p_layer));
rs->canvas_item_set_transform(ci, xform);*/
rs->canvas_item_set_draw_index(ci, p_layer);
layers[p_layer].canvas_item = ci;
RID &ci = layers[p_layer].canvas_item;
rs->canvas_item_set_sort_children_by_y(ci, layers[p_layer].y_sort_enabled);
rs->canvas_item_set_use_parent_material(ci, get_use_parent_material() || get_material().is_valid());
rs->canvas_item_set_z_index(ci, layers[p_layer].z_index);
rs->canvas_item_set_default_texture_filter(ci, RS::CanvasItemTextureFilter(get_texture_filter()));
rs->canvas_item_set_default_texture_repeat(ci, RS::CanvasItemTextureRepeat(get_texture_repeat()));
rs->canvas_item_set_light_mask(ci, get_light_mask());
void TileMap::_rendering_cleanup_layer(int p_layer) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_layer, (int)layers.size());
RenderingServer *rs = RenderingServer::get_singleton();
if (!layers[p_layer].canvas_item.is_valid()) {
void TileMap::_rendering_update_dirty_quadrants(SelfList<TileMapQuadrant>::List &r_dirty_quadrant_list) {
bool visible = is_visible_in_tree();
SelfList<TileMapQuadrant> *q_list_element = r_dirty_quadrant_list.first();
while (q_list_element) {
TileMapQuadrant &q = *q_list_element->self();
RenderingServer *rs = RenderingServer::get_singleton();
// Free the canvas items.
for (const RID &ci : q.canvas_items) {
// Free the occluders.
for (const RID &occluder : q.occluders) {
// Those allow to group cell per material or z-index.
Ref<ShaderMaterial> prev_material;
int prev_z_index = 0;
RID prev_canvas_item;
// Iterate over the cells of the quadrant.
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for (const KeyValue<Vector2i, Vector2i> &E_cell : q.world_to_map) {
TileMapCell c = get_cell(q.layer, E_cell.value, true);
TileSetSource *source;
if (tile_set->has_source(c.source_id)) {
source = *tile_set->get_source(c.source_id);
if (!source->has_tile(c.get_atlas_coords()) || !source->has_alternative_tile(c.get_atlas_coords(), c.alternative_tile)) {
TileSetAtlasSource *atlas_source = Object::cast_to<TileSetAtlasSource>(source);
if (atlas_source) {
// Get the tile data.
TileData *tile_data = Object::cast_to<TileData>(atlas_source->get_tile_data(c.get_atlas_coords(), c.alternative_tile));
Ref<ShaderMaterial> mat = tile_data->get_material();
int z_index = tile_data->get_z_index();
// Quandrant pos.
Vector2 position = map_to_world(q.coords * get_effective_quadrant_size(q.layer));
if (is_y_sort_enabled() && layers[q.layer].y_sort_enabled) {
// When Y-sorting, the quandrant size is sure to be 1, we can thus offset the CanvasItem.
position.y += layers[q.layer].y_sort_origin + tile_data->get_y_sort_origin();
// --- CanvasItems ---
// Create two canvas items, for rendering and debug.
RID canvas_item;
// Check if the material or the z_index changed.
if (prev_canvas_item == RID() || prev_material != mat || prev_z_index != z_index) {
// If so, create a new CanvasItem.
canvas_item = rs->canvas_item_create();
if (mat.is_valid()) {
rs->canvas_item_set_material(canvas_item, mat->get_rid());
rs->canvas_item_set_parent(canvas_item, layers[q.layer].canvas_item);
rs->canvas_item_set_use_parent_material(canvas_item, get_use_parent_material() || get_material().is_valid());
Transform2D xform;
rs->canvas_item_set_transform(canvas_item, xform);
rs->canvas_item_set_light_mask(canvas_item, get_light_mask());
rs->canvas_item_set_z_index(canvas_item, z_index);
rs->canvas_item_set_default_texture_filter(canvas_item, RS::CanvasItemTextureFilter(get_texture_filter()));
rs->canvas_item_set_default_texture_repeat(canvas_item, RS::CanvasItemTextureRepeat(get_texture_repeat()));
prev_canvas_item = canvas_item;
prev_material = mat;
prev_z_index = z_index;
} else {
// Keep the same canvas_item to draw on.
canvas_item = prev_canvas_item;
// Drawing the tile in the canvas item.
Color modulate = get_self_modulate();
if (selected_layer >= 0) {
if (q.layer < selected_layer) {
modulate = modulate.darkened(0.5);
} else if (q.layer > selected_layer) {
modulate = modulate.darkened(0.5);
modulate.a *= 0.3;
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
draw_tile(canvas_item, E_cell.key - position, tile_set, c.source_id, c.get_atlas_coords(), c.alternative_tile, -1, modulate);
// --- Occluders ---
for (int i = 0; i < tile_set->get_occlusion_layers_count(); i++) {
Transform2D xform;
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
if (tile_data->get_occluder(i).is_valid()) {
RID occluder_id = rs->canvas_light_occluder_create();
rs->canvas_light_occluder_set_enabled(occluder_id, visible);
rs->canvas_light_occluder_set_transform(occluder_id, get_global_transform() * xform);
rs->canvas_light_occluder_set_polygon(occluder_id, tile_data->get_occluder(i)->get_rid());
rs->canvas_light_occluder_attach_to_canvas(occluder_id, get_canvas());
rs->canvas_light_occluder_set_light_mask(occluder_id, tile_set->get_occlusion_layer_light_mask(i));
_rendering_quadrant_order_dirty = true;
q_list_element = q_list_element->next();
// Reset the drawing indices
if (_rendering_quadrant_order_dirty) {
int index = -(int64_t)0x80000000; //always must be drawn below children.
for (int layer = 0; layer < (int)layers.size(); layer++) {
// Sort the quadrants coords per world coordinates
Map<Vector2i, Vector2i, TileMapQuadrant::CoordsWorldComparator> world_to_map;
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
for (const KeyValue<Vector2i, TileMapQuadrant> &E : layers[layer].quadrant_map) {
world_to_map[map_to_world(E.key)] = E.key;
// Sort the quadrants
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
for (const KeyValue<Vector2i, Vector2i> &E : world_to_map) {
TileMapQuadrant &q = layers[layer].quadrant_map[E.value];
for (const RID &ci : q.canvas_items) {
RS::get_singleton()->canvas_item_set_draw_index(ci, index++);
_rendering_quadrant_order_dirty = false;
void TileMap::_rendering_create_quadrant(TileMapQuadrant *p_quadrant) {
_rendering_quadrant_order_dirty = true;
void TileMap::_rendering_cleanup_quadrant(TileMapQuadrant *p_quadrant) {
// Free the canvas items.
for (const RID &ci : p_quadrant->canvas_items) {
// Free the occluders.
for (const RID &occluder : p_quadrant->occluders) {
void TileMap::_rendering_draw_quadrant_debug(TileMapQuadrant *p_quadrant) {
if (!Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) {
// Draw a placeholder for scenes needing one.
RenderingServer *rs = RenderingServer::get_singleton();
Vector2 quadrant_pos = map_to_world(p_quadrant->coords * get_effective_quadrant_size(p_quadrant->layer));
for (Set<Vector2i>::Element *E_cell = p_quadrant->cells.front(); E_cell; E_cell = E_cell->next()) {
const TileMapCell &c = get_cell(p_quadrant->layer, E_cell->get(), true);
TileSetSource *source;
if (tile_set->has_source(c.source_id)) {
source = *tile_set->get_source(c.source_id);
if (!source->has_tile(c.get_atlas_coords()) || !source->has_alternative_tile(c.get_atlas_coords(), c.alternative_tile)) {
TileSetAtlasSource *atlas_source = Object::cast_to<TileSetAtlasSource>(source);
if (atlas_source) {
Vector2i grid_size = atlas_source->get_atlas_grid_size();
if (!atlas_source->get_texture().is_valid() || c.get_atlas_coords().x >= grid_size.x || c.get_atlas_coords().y >= grid_size.y) {
// Generate a random color from the hashed values of the tiles.
Array to_hash;
uint32_t hash = RandomPCG(to_hash.hash()).rand();
Color color;
color = color.from_hsv(
(float)((hash >> 24) & 0xFF) / 256.0,
Math::lerp(0.5, 1.0, (float)((hash >> 16) & 0xFF) / 256.0),
Math::lerp(0.5, 1.0, (float)((hash >> 8) & 0xFF) / 256.0),
// Draw a placeholder tile.
Transform2D xform;
xform.set_origin(map_to_world(E_cell->get()) - quadrant_pos);
rs->canvas_item_add_set_transform(p_quadrant->debug_canvas_item, xform);
rs->canvas_item_add_circle(p_quadrant->debug_canvas_item, Vector2(), MIN(tile_set->get_tile_size().x, tile_set->get_tile_size().y) / 4.0, color);
2021-09-10 16:23:36 +02:00
void TileMap::draw_tile(RID p_canvas_item, Vector2i p_position, const Ref<TileSet> p_tile_set, int p_atlas_source_id, Vector2i p_atlas_coords, int p_alternative_tile, int p_frame, Color p_modulation) {
ERR_FAIL_COND(!p_tile_set->get_source(p_atlas_source_id)->has_alternative_tile(p_atlas_coords, p_alternative_tile));
TileSetSource *source = *p_tile_set->get_source(p_atlas_source_id);
TileSetAtlasSource *atlas_source = Object::cast_to<TileSetAtlasSource>(source);
if (atlas_source) {
2021-09-10 16:23:36 +02:00
// Check for the frame.
if (p_frame >= 0) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_frame, atlas_source->get_tile_animation_frames_count(p_atlas_coords));
// Get the texture.
Ref<Texture2D> tex = atlas_source->get_texture();
if (!tex.is_valid()) {
// Check if we are in the texture, return otherwise.
Vector2i grid_size = atlas_source->get_atlas_grid_size();
if (p_atlas_coords.x >= grid_size.x || p_atlas_coords.y >= grid_size.y) {
// Get tile data.
TileData *tile_data = Object::cast_to<TileData>(atlas_source->get_tile_data(p_atlas_coords, p_alternative_tile));
2021-09-10 16:23:36 +02:00
// Get the tile modulation.
2021-09-23 20:43:43 +05:45
Color modulate = tile_data->get_modulate() * p_modulation;
2021-09-10 16:23:36 +02:00
// Compute the offset.
Vector2i tile_offset = atlas_source->get_tile_effective_texture_offset(p_atlas_coords, p_alternative_tile);
2021-09-10 16:23:36 +02:00
// Get destination rect.
Rect2 dest_rect;
2021-09-10 16:23:36 +02:00
dest_rect.size = atlas_source->get_tile_texture_region(p_atlas_coords).size;
dest_rect.size.x += FP_ADJUST;
dest_rect.size.y += FP_ADJUST;
bool transpose = tile_data->get_transpose();
if (transpose) {
dest_rect.position = (p_position - Vector2(dest_rect.size.y, dest_rect.size.x) / 2 - tile_offset);
} else {
dest_rect.position = (p_position - dest_rect.size / 2 - tile_offset);
if (tile_data->get_flip_h()) {
dest_rect.size.x = -dest_rect.size.x;
if (tile_data->get_flip_v()) {
dest_rect.size.y = -dest_rect.size.y;
// Draw the tile.
2021-09-10 16:23:36 +02:00
if (p_frame >= 0) {
Rect2i source_rect = atlas_source->get_tile_texture_region(p_atlas_coords, p_frame);
tex->draw_rect_region(p_canvas_item, dest_rect, source_rect, modulate, transpose, p_tile_set->is_uv_clipping());
} else if (atlas_source->get_tile_animation_frames_count(p_atlas_coords) == 1) {
Rect2i source_rect = atlas_source->get_tile_texture_region(p_atlas_coords, 0);
tex->draw_rect_region(p_canvas_item, dest_rect, source_rect, modulate, transpose, p_tile_set->is_uv_clipping());
} else {
real_t speed = atlas_source->get_tile_animation_speed(p_atlas_coords);
real_t animation_duration = atlas_source->get_tile_animation_total_duration(p_atlas_coords) / speed;
real_t time = 0.0;
for (int frame = 0; frame < atlas_source->get_tile_animation_frames_count(p_atlas_coords); frame++) {
real_t frame_duration = atlas_source->get_tile_animation_frame_duration(p_atlas_coords, frame) / speed;
RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_animation_slice(p_canvas_item, animation_duration, time, time + frame_duration, 0.0);
Rect2i source_rect = atlas_source->get_tile_texture_region(p_atlas_coords, frame);
tex->draw_rect_region(p_canvas_item, dest_rect, source_rect, modulate, transpose, p_tile_set->is_uv_clipping());
time += frame_duration;
RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_animation_slice(p_canvas_item, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
/////////////////////////////// Physics //////////////////////////////////////
void TileMap::_physics_notification(int p_what) {
switch (p_what) {
bool in_editor = false;
in_editor = Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint();
if (is_inside_tree() && collision_animatable && !in_editor) {
// Update tranform on the physics tick when in animatable mode.
last_valid_transform = new_transform;
} break;
bool in_editor = false;
in_editor = Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint();
if (is_inside_tree() && (!collision_animatable || in_editor)) {
// Update the new transform directly if we are not in animatable mode.
Transform2D global_transform = get_global_transform();
for (int layer = 0; layer < (int)layers.size(); layer++) {
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
for (KeyValue<Vector2i, TileMapQuadrant> &E : layers[layer].quadrant_map) {
TileMapQuadrant &q = E.value;
for (RID body : q.bodies) {
Transform2D xform;
xform = global_transform * xform;
PhysicsServer2D::get_singleton()->body_set_state(body, PhysicsServer2D::BODY_STATE_TRANSFORM, xform);
} break;
bool in_editor = false;
in_editor = Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint();
if (is_inside_tree() && !in_editor && collision_animatable) {
// Only active when animatable. Send the new transform to the physics...
new_transform = get_global_transform();
for (int layer = 0; layer < (int)layers.size(); layer++) {
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
for (KeyValue<Vector2i, TileMapQuadrant> &E : layers[layer].quadrant_map) {
TileMapQuadrant &q = E.value;
for (RID body : q.bodies) {
Transform2D xform;
xform = new_transform * xform;
PhysicsServer2D::get_singleton()->body_set_state(body, PhysicsServer2D::BODY_STATE_TRANSFORM, xform);
// ... but then revert changes.
} break;
void TileMap::_physics_update_dirty_quadrants(SelfList<TileMapQuadrant>::List &r_dirty_quadrant_list) {
Transform2D global_transform = get_global_transform();
last_valid_transform = global_transform;
new_transform = global_transform;
PhysicsServer2D *ps = PhysicsServer2D::get_singleton();
RID space = get_world_2d()->get_space();
SelfList<TileMapQuadrant> *q_list_element = r_dirty_quadrant_list.first();
while (q_list_element) {
TileMapQuadrant &q = *q_list_element->self();
// Clear bodies.
for (RID body : q.bodies) {
// Recreate bodies and shapes.
for (Set<Vector2i>::Element *E_cell = q.cells.front(); E_cell; E_cell = E_cell->next()) {
TileMapCell c = get_cell(q.layer, E_cell->get(), true);
TileSetSource *source;
if (tile_set->has_source(c.source_id)) {
source = *tile_set->get_source(c.source_id);
if (!source->has_tile(c.get_atlas_coords()) || !source->has_alternative_tile(c.get_atlas_coords(), c.alternative_tile)) {
TileSetAtlasSource *atlas_source = Object::cast_to<TileSetAtlasSource>(source);
if (atlas_source) {
TileData *tile_data = Object::cast_to<TileData>(atlas_source->get_tile_data(c.get_atlas_coords(), c.alternative_tile));
for (int tile_set_physics_layer = 0; tile_set_physics_layer < tile_set->get_physics_layers_count(); tile_set_physics_layer++) {
Ref<PhysicsMaterial> physics_material = tile_set->get_physics_layer_physics_material(tile_set_physics_layer);
uint32_t physics_layer = tile_set->get_physics_layer_collision_layer(tile_set_physics_layer);
uint32_t physics_mask = tile_set->get_physics_layer_collision_mask(tile_set_physics_layer);
// Create the body.
RID body = ps->body_create();
bodies_coords[body] = E_cell->get();
ps->body_set_mode(body, collision_animatable ? PhysicsServer2D::BODY_MODE_KINEMATIC : PhysicsServer2D::BODY_MODE_STATIC);
ps->body_set_space(body, space);
Transform2D xform;
xform = global_transform * xform;
ps->body_set_state(body, PhysicsServer2D::BODY_STATE_TRANSFORM, xform);
ps->body_attach_object_instance_id(body, get_instance_id());
ps->body_set_collision_layer(body, physics_layer);
ps->body_set_collision_mask(body, physics_mask);
ps->body_set_pickable(body, false);
ps->body_set_state(body, PhysicsServer2D::BODY_STATE_LINEAR_VELOCITY, tile_data->get_constant_linear_velocity(tile_set_physics_layer));
ps->body_set_state(body, PhysicsServer2D::BODY_STATE_ANGULAR_VELOCITY, tile_data->get_constant_angular_velocity(tile_set_physics_layer));
if (!physics_material.is_valid()) {
ps->body_set_param(body, PhysicsServer2D::BODY_PARAM_BOUNCE, 0);
ps->body_set_param(body, PhysicsServer2D::BODY_PARAM_FRICTION, 1);
} else {
ps->body_set_param(body, PhysicsServer2D::BODY_PARAM_BOUNCE, physics_material->computed_bounce());
ps->body_set_param(body, PhysicsServer2D::BODY_PARAM_FRICTION, physics_material->computed_friction());
// Add the shapes to the body.
int body_shape_index = 0;
for (int polygon_index = 0; polygon_index < tile_data->get_collision_polygons_count(tile_set_physics_layer); polygon_index++) {
// Iterate over the polygons.
bool one_way_collision = tile_data->is_collision_polygon_one_way(tile_set_physics_layer, polygon_index);
float one_way_collision_margin = tile_data->get_collision_polygon_one_way_margin(tile_set_physics_layer, polygon_index);
int shapes_count = tile_data->get_collision_polygon_shapes_count(tile_set_physics_layer, polygon_index);
for (int shape_index = 0; shape_index < shapes_count; shape_index++) {
// Add decomposed convex shapes.
Ref<ConvexPolygonShape2D> shape = tile_data->get_collision_polygon_shape(tile_set_physics_layer, polygon_index, shape_index);
ps->body_add_shape(body, shape->get_rid());
ps->body_set_shape_as_one_way_collision(body, body_shape_index, one_way_collision, one_way_collision_margin);
q_list_element = q_list_element->next();
void TileMap::_physics_cleanup_quadrant(TileMapQuadrant *p_quadrant) {
// Remove a quadrant.
for (RID body : p_quadrant->bodies) {
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
void TileMap::_physics_draw_quadrant_debug(TileMapQuadrant *p_quadrant) {
// Draw the debug collision shapes.
if (!get_tree()) {
bool show_collision = false;
switch (collision_visibility_mode) {
show_collision = !Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint() && (get_tree() && get_tree()->is_debugging_collisions_hint());
show_collision = false;
show_collision = true;
if (!show_collision) {
RenderingServer *rs = RenderingServer::get_singleton();
PhysicsServer2D *ps = PhysicsServer2D::get_singleton();
Color debug_collision_color = get_tree()->get_debug_collisions_color();
Vector<Color> color;
Vector2 quadrant_pos = map_to_world(p_quadrant->coords * get_effective_quadrant_size(p_quadrant->layer));
Transform2D qudrant_xform;
Transform2D global_transform_inv = (get_global_transform() * qudrant_xform).affine_inverse();
for (RID body : p_quadrant->bodies) {
Transform2D xform = Transform2D(ps->body_get_state(body, PhysicsServer2D::BODY_STATE_TRANSFORM)) * global_transform_inv;
rs->canvas_item_add_set_transform(p_quadrant->debug_canvas_item, xform);
for (int shape_index = 0; shape_index < ps->body_get_shape_count(body); shape_index++) {
const RID &shape = ps->body_get_shape(body, shape_index);
PhysicsServer2D::ShapeType type = ps->shape_get_type(shape);
if (type == PhysicsServer2D::SHAPE_CONVEX_POLYGON) {
Vector<Vector2> polygon = ps->shape_get_data(shape);
rs->canvas_item_add_polygon(p_quadrant->debug_canvas_item, polygon, color);
} else {
WARN_PRINT("Wrong shape type for a tile, should be SHAPE_CONVEX_POLYGON.");
rs->canvas_item_add_set_transform(p_quadrant->debug_canvas_item, Transform2D());
/////////////////////////////// Navigation //////////////////////////////////////
void TileMap::_navigation_notification(int p_what) {
switch (p_what) {
if (is_inside_tree()) {
for (int layer = 0; layer < (int)layers.size(); layer++) {
Transform2D tilemap_xform = get_global_transform();
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
for (KeyValue<Vector2i, TileMapQuadrant> &E_quadrant : layers[layer].quadrant_map) {
TileMapQuadrant &q = E_quadrant.value;
for (const KeyValue<Vector2i, Vector<RID>> &E_region : q.navigation_regions) {
for (int layer_index = 0; layer_index < E_region.value.size(); layer_index++) {
RID region = E_region.value[layer_index];
if (!region.is_valid()) {
Transform2D tile_transform;
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
NavigationServer2D::get_singleton()->region_set_transform(region, tilemap_xform * tile_transform);
} break;
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
void TileMap::_navigation_update_dirty_quadrants(SelfList<TileMapQuadrant>::List &r_dirty_quadrant_list) {
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
// Get colors for debug.
SceneTree *st = SceneTree::get_singleton();
Color debug_navigation_color;
bool debug_navigation = st && st->is_debugging_navigation_hint();
if (debug_navigation) {
debug_navigation_color = st->get_debug_navigation_color();
Transform2D tilemap_xform = get_global_transform();
SelfList<TileMapQuadrant> *q_list_element = r_dirty_quadrant_list.first();
while (q_list_element) {
TileMapQuadrant &q = *q_list_element->self();
// Clear navigation shapes in the quadrant.
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
for (const KeyValue<Vector2i, Vector<RID>> &E : q.navigation_regions) {
for (int i = 0; i < E.value.size(); i++) {
RID region = E.value[i];
if (!region.is_valid()) {
NavigationServer2D::get_singleton()->region_set_map(region, RID());
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
// Get the navigation polygons and create regions.
for (Set<Vector2i>::Element *E_cell = q.cells.front(); E_cell; E_cell = E_cell->next()) {
TileMapCell c = get_cell(q.layer, E_cell->get(), true);
TileSetSource *source;
if (tile_set->has_source(c.source_id)) {
source = *tile_set->get_source(c.source_id);
if (!source->has_tile(c.get_atlas_coords()) || !source->has_alternative_tile(c.get_atlas_coords(), c.alternative_tile)) {
TileSetAtlasSource *atlas_source = Object::cast_to<TileSetAtlasSource>(source);
if (atlas_source) {
TileData *tile_data = Object::cast_to<TileData>(atlas_source->get_tile_data(c.get_atlas_coords(), c.alternative_tile));
for (int layer_index = 0; layer_index < tile_set->get_navigation_layers_count(); layer_index++) {
Ref<NavigationPolygon> navpoly;
navpoly = tile_data->get_navigation_polygon(layer_index);
if (navpoly.is_valid()) {
Transform2D tile_transform;
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
RID region = NavigationServer2D::get_singleton()->region_create();
NavigationServer2D::get_singleton()->region_set_map(region, get_world_2d()->get_navigation_map());
NavigationServer2D::get_singleton()->region_set_transform(region, tilemap_xform * tile_transform);
NavigationServer2D::get_singleton()->region_set_navpoly(region, navpoly);
q.navigation_regions[E_cell->get()].write[layer_index] = region;
q_list_element = q_list_element->next();
void TileMap::_navigation_cleanup_quadrant(TileMapQuadrant *p_quadrant) {
// Clear navigation shapes in the quadrant.
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
for (const KeyValue<Vector2i, Vector<RID>> &E : p_quadrant->navigation_regions) {
for (int i = 0; i < E.value.size(); i++) {
RID region = E.value[i];
if (!region.is_valid()) {
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
void TileMap::_navigation_draw_quadrant_debug(TileMapQuadrant *p_quadrant) {
// Draw the debug collision shapes.
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
if (!get_tree()) {
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
bool show_navigation = false;
switch (navigation_visibility_mode) {
show_navigation = !Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint() && (get_tree() && get_tree()->is_debugging_navigation_hint());
show_navigation = false;
show_navigation = true;
if (!show_navigation) {
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
RenderingServer *rs = RenderingServer::get_singleton();
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
Color color = get_tree()->get_debug_navigation_color();
RandomPCG rand;
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
Vector2 quadrant_pos = map_to_world(p_quadrant->coords * get_effective_quadrant_size(p_quadrant->layer));
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
for (Set<Vector2i>::Element *E_cell = p_quadrant->cells.front(); E_cell; E_cell = E_cell->next()) {
TileMapCell c = get_cell(p_quadrant->layer, E_cell->get(), true);
TileSetSource *source;
if (tile_set->has_source(c.source_id)) {
source = *tile_set->get_source(c.source_id);
if (!source->has_tile(c.get_atlas_coords()) || !source->has_alternative_tile(c.get_atlas_coords(), c.alternative_tile)) {
TileSetAtlasSource *atlas_source = Object::cast_to<TileSetAtlasSource>(source);
if (atlas_source) {
TileData *tile_data = Object::cast_to<TileData>(atlas_source->get_tile_data(c.get_atlas_coords(), c.alternative_tile));
Transform2D xform;
xform.set_origin(map_to_world(E_cell->get()) - quadrant_pos);
rs->canvas_item_add_set_transform(p_quadrant->debug_canvas_item, xform);
for (int layer_index = 0; layer_index < tile_set->get_navigation_layers_count(); layer_index++) {
Ref<NavigationPolygon> navpoly = tile_data->get_navigation_polygon(layer_index);
if (navpoly.is_valid()) {
PackedVector2Array navigation_polygon_vertices = navpoly->get_vertices();
for (int i = 0; i < navpoly->get_polygon_count(); i++) {
// An array of vertices for this polygon.
Vector<int> polygon = navpoly->get_polygon(i);
Vector<Vector2> vertices;
for (int j = 0; j < polygon.size(); j++) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(polygon[j], navigation_polygon_vertices.size());
vertices.write[j] = navigation_polygon_vertices[polygon[j]];
// Generate the polygon color, slightly randomly modified from the settings one.
Color random_variation_color;
random_variation_color.set_hsv(color.get_h() + rand.random(-1.0, 1.0) * 0.05, color.get_s(), color.get_v() + rand.random(-1.0, 1.0) * 0.1);
random_variation_color.a = color.a;
Vector<Color> colors;
rs->canvas_item_add_polygon(p_quadrant->debug_canvas_item, vertices, colors);
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
/////////////////////////////// Scenes //////////////////////////////////////
void TileMap::_scenes_update_dirty_quadrants(SelfList<TileMapQuadrant>::List &r_dirty_quadrant_list) {
SelfList<TileMapQuadrant> *q_list_element = r_dirty_quadrant_list.first();
while (q_list_element) {
TileMapQuadrant &q = *q_list_element->self();
// Clear the scenes.
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
for (const KeyValue<Vector2i, String> &E : q.scenes) {
Node *node = get_node(E.value);
if (node) {
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
// Recreate the scenes.
for (Set<Vector2i>::Element *E_cell = q.cells.front(); E_cell; E_cell = E_cell->next()) {
const TileMapCell &c = get_cell(q.layer, E_cell->get(), true);
TileSetSource *source;
if (tile_set->has_source(c.source_id)) {
source = *tile_set->get_source(c.source_id);
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
if (!source->has_tile(c.get_atlas_coords()) || !source->has_alternative_tile(c.get_atlas_coords(), c.alternative_tile)) {
TileSetScenesCollectionSource *scenes_collection_source = Object::cast_to<TileSetScenesCollectionSource>(source);
if (scenes_collection_source) {
Ref<PackedScene> packed_scene = scenes_collection_source->get_scene_tile_scene(c.alternative_tile);
if (packed_scene.is_valid()) {
Node *scene = packed_scene->instantiate();
Control *scene_as_control = Object::cast_to<Control>(scene);
Node2D *scene_as_node2d = Object::cast_to<Node2D>(scene);
if (scene_as_control) {
scene_as_control->set_position(map_to_world(E_cell->get()) + scene_as_control->get_position());
} else if (scene_as_node2d) {
Transform2D xform;
scene_as_node2d->set_transform(xform * scene_as_node2d->get_transform());
q.scenes[E_cell->get()] = scene->get_name();
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
q_list_element = q_list_element->next();
2018-06-25 22:24:12 -03:00
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
void TileMap::_scenes_cleanup_quadrant(TileMapQuadrant *p_quadrant) {
// Clear the scenes.
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
for (const KeyValue<Vector2i, String> &E : p_quadrant->scenes) {
Node *node = get_node(E.value);
if (node) {
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
void TileMap::_scenes_draw_quadrant_debug(TileMapQuadrant *p_quadrant) {
if (!Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) {
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
// Draw a placeholder for scenes needing one.
RenderingServer *rs = RenderingServer::get_singleton();
Vector2 quadrant_pos = map_to_world(p_quadrant->coords * get_effective_quadrant_size(p_quadrant->layer));
for (Set<Vector2i>::Element *E_cell = p_quadrant->cells.front(); E_cell; E_cell = E_cell->next()) {
const TileMapCell &c = get_cell(p_quadrant->layer, E_cell->get(), true);
TileSetSource *source;
if (tile_set->has_source(c.source_id)) {
source = *tile_set->get_source(c.source_id);
if (!source->has_tile(c.get_atlas_coords()) || !source->has_alternative_tile(c.get_atlas_coords(), c.alternative_tile)) {
TileSetScenesCollectionSource *scenes_collection_source = Object::cast_to<TileSetScenesCollectionSource>(source);
if (scenes_collection_source) {
if (!scenes_collection_source->get_scene_tile_scene(c.alternative_tile).is_valid() || scenes_collection_source->get_scene_tile_display_placeholder(c.alternative_tile)) {
// Generate a random color from the hashed values of the tiles.
Array to_hash;
uint32_t hash = RandomPCG(to_hash.hash()).rand();
Color color;
color = color.from_hsv(
(float)((hash >> 24) & 0xFF) / 256.0,
Math::lerp(0.5, 1.0, (float)((hash >> 16) & 0xFF) / 256.0),
Math::lerp(0.5, 1.0, (float)((hash >> 8) & 0xFF) / 256.0),
// Draw a placeholder tile.
Transform2D xform;
xform.set_origin(map_to_world(E_cell->get()) - quadrant_pos);
rs->canvas_item_add_set_transform(p_quadrant->debug_canvas_item, xform);
rs->canvas_item_add_circle(p_quadrant->debug_canvas_item, Vector2(), MIN(tile_set->get_tile_size().x, tile_set->get_tile_size().y) / 4.0, color);
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
void TileMap::set_cell(int p_layer, const Vector2i &p_coords, int p_source_id, const Vector2i p_atlas_coords, int p_alternative_tile) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_layer, (int)layers.size());
// Set the current cell tile (using integer position).
Map<Vector2i, TileMapCell> &tile_map = layers[p_layer].tile_map;
Vector2i pk(p_coords);
Map<Vector2i, TileMapCell>::Element *E = tile_map.find(pk);
2016-02-06 13:27:26 +01:00
int source_id = p_source_id;
Vector2i atlas_coords = p_atlas_coords;
int alternative_tile = p_alternative_tile;
2017-10-21 22:42:23 -03:00
if ((source_id == TileSet::INVALID_SOURCE || atlas_coords == TileSetSource::INVALID_ATLAS_COORDS || alternative_tile == TileSetSource::INVALID_TILE_ALTERNATIVE) &&
(source_id != TileSet::INVALID_SOURCE || atlas_coords != TileSetSource::INVALID_ATLAS_COORDS || alternative_tile != TileSetSource::INVALID_TILE_ALTERNATIVE)) {
WARN_PRINT("Setting a cell a cell as empty requires both source_id, atlas_coord and alternative_tile to be set to their respective \"invalid\" values. Values were thus changes accordingly.");
source_id = TileSet::INVALID_SOURCE;
2021-05-18 15:40:52 +02:00
atlas_coords = TileSetSource::INVALID_ATLAS_COORDS;
alternative_tile = TileSetSource::INVALID_TILE_ALTERNATIVE;
2017-10-21 22:42:23 -03:00
if (!E && source_id == TileSet::INVALID_SOURCE) {
return; // Nothing to do, the tile is already empty.
2017-11-30 21:50:09 -03:00
// Get the quadrant
Vector2i qk = _coords_to_quadrant_coords(p_layer, pk);
Map<Vector2i, TileMapQuadrant>::Element *Q = layers[p_layer].quadrant_map.find(qk);
if (source_id == TileSet::INVALID_SOURCE) {
// Erase existing cell in the tile map.
2017-10-21 22:42:23 -03:00
// Erase existing cell in the quadrant.
TileMapQuadrant &q = Q->get();
2017-10-21 22:42:23 -03:00
// Remove or make the quadrant dirty.
if (q.cells.size() == 0) {
} else {
2018-02-24 12:56:48 +07:00
2021-08-05 18:17:36 +02:00
used_rect_cache_dirty = true;
} else {
if (!E) {
// Insert a new cell in the tile map.
E = tile_map.insert(pk, TileMapCell());
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
// Create a new quadrant if needed, then insert the cell if needed.
if (!Q) {
Q = _create_quadrant(p_layer, qk);
TileMapQuadrant &q = Q->get();
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
} else {
ERR_FAIL_COND(!Q); // TileMapQuadrant should exist...
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
if (E->get().source_id == source_id && E->get().get_atlas_coords() == atlas_coords && E->get().alternative_tile == alternative_tile) {
return; // Nothing changed.
TileMapCell &c = E->get();
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
c.source_id = source_id;
c.alternative_tile = alternative_tile;
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
2021-08-05 18:17:36 +02:00
used_rect_cache_dirty = true;
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
int TileMap::get_cell_source_id(int p_layer, const Vector2i &p_coords, bool p_use_proxies) const {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_layer, (int)layers.size(), TileSet::INVALID_SOURCE);
// Get a cell source id from position
const Map<Vector2i, TileMapCell> &tile_map = layers[p_layer].tile_map;
const Map<Vector2i, TileMapCell>::Element *E = tile_map.find(p_coords);
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
if (!E) {
return TileSet::INVALID_SOURCE;
if (p_use_proxies && tile_set.is_valid()) {
Array proxyed = tile_set->map_tile_proxy(E->get().source_id, E->get().get_atlas_coords(), E->get().alternative_tile);
return proxyed[0];
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
return E->get().source_id;
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
Vector2i TileMap::get_cell_atlas_coords(int p_layer, const Vector2i &p_coords, bool p_use_proxies) const {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_layer, (int)layers.size(), TileSetSource::INVALID_ATLAS_COORDS);
// Get a cell source id from position
const Map<Vector2i, TileMapCell> &tile_map = layers[p_layer].tile_map;
const Map<Vector2i, TileMapCell>::Element *E = tile_map.find(p_coords);
2015-01-19 23:07:25 +10:00
if (!E) {
2021-05-18 15:40:52 +02:00
return TileSetSource::INVALID_ATLAS_COORDS;
2015-01-19 23:07:25 +10:00
if (p_use_proxies && tile_set.is_valid()) {
Array proxyed = tile_set->map_tile_proxy(E->get().source_id, E->get().get_atlas_coords(), E->get().alternative_tile);
return proxyed[1];
return E->get().get_atlas_coords();
2015-01-19 23:07:25 +10:00
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
int TileMap::get_cell_alternative_tile(int p_layer, const Vector2i &p_coords, bool p_use_proxies) const {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_layer, (int)layers.size(), TileSetSource::INVALID_TILE_ALTERNATIVE);
// Get a cell source id from position
const Map<Vector2i, TileMapCell> &tile_map = layers[p_layer].tile_map;
const Map<Vector2i, TileMapCell>::Element *E = tile_map.find(p_coords);
2017-10-21 22:42:23 -03:00
if (!E) {
2021-05-18 15:40:52 +02:00
2018-06-01 17:12:25 -04:00
if (p_use_proxies && tile_set.is_valid()) {
Array proxyed = tile_set->map_tile_proxy(E->get().source_id, E->get().get_atlas_coords(), E->get().alternative_tile);
return proxyed[2];
return E->get().alternative_tile;
2017-10-21 22:42:23 -03:00
TileMapPattern *TileMap::get_pattern(int p_layer, TypedArray<Vector2i> p_coords_array) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_layer, (int)layers.size(), nullptr);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!tile_set.is_valid(), nullptr);
2017-10-21 22:42:23 -03:00
TileMapPattern *output = memnew(TileMapPattern);
if (p_coords_array.is_empty()) {
return output;
2017-10-21 22:42:23 -03:00
Vector2i min = Vector2i(p_coords_array[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < p_coords_array.size(); i++) {
min = min.min(p_coords_array[i]);
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
Vector<Vector2i> coords_in_pattern_array;
Vector2i ensure_positive_offset;
for (int i = 0; i < p_coords_array.size(); i++) {
Vector2i coords = p_coords_array[i];
Vector2i coords_in_pattern = coords - min;
if (tile_set->get_tile_shape() != TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_SQUARE) {
if (tile_set->get_tile_layout() == TileSet::TILE_LAYOUT_STACKED) {
if (tile_set->get_tile_offset_axis() == TileSet::TILE_OFFSET_AXIS_HORIZONTAL && bool(min.y % 2) && bool(coords_in_pattern.y % 2)) {
coords_in_pattern.x -= 1;
if (coords_in_pattern.x < 0) {
ensure_positive_offset.x = 1;
} else if (tile_set->get_tile_offset_axis() == TileSet::TILE_OFFSET_AXIS_VERTICAL && bool(min.x % 2) && bool(coords_in_pattern.x % 2)) {
coords_in_pattern.y -= 1;
if (coords_in_pattern.y < 0) {
ensure_positive_offset.y = 1;
} else if (tile_set->get_tile_layout() == TileSet::TILE_LAYOUT_STACKED_OFFSET) {
if (tile_set->get_tile_offset_axis() == TileSet::TILE_OFFSET_AXIS_HORIZONTAL && bool(min.y % 2) && bool(coords_in_pattern.y % 2)) {
coords_in_pattern.x += 1;
} else if (tile_set->get_tile_offset_axis() == TileSet::TILE_OFFSET_AXIS_VERTICAL && bool(min.x % 2) && bool(coords_in_pattern.x % 2)) {
coords_in_pattern.y += 1;
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
coords_in_pattern_array.write[i] = coords_in_pattern;
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
for (int i = 0; i < coords_in_pattern_array.size(); i++) {
Vector2i coords = p_coords_array[i];
Vector2i coords_in_pattern = coords_in_pattern_array[i];
output->set_cell(coords_in_pattern + ensure_positive_offset, get_cell_source_id(p_layer, coords), get_cell_atlas_coords(p_layer, coords), get_cell_alternative_tile(p_layer, coords));
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
return output;
Vector2i TileMap::map_pattern(Vector2i p_position_in_tilemap, Vector2i p_coords_in_pattern, const TileMapPattern *p_pattern) {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!p_pattern->has_cell(p_coords_in_pattern), Vector2i());
Vector2i output = p_position_in_tilemap + p_coords_in_pattern;
if (tile_set->get_tile_shape() != TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_SQUARE) {
if (tile_set->get_tile_layout() == TileSet::TILE_LAYOUT_STACKED) {
if (tile_set->get_tile_offset_axis() == TileSet::TILE_OFFSET_AXIS_HORIZONTAL && bool(p_position_in_tilemap.y % 2) && bool(p_coords_in_pattern.y % 2)) {
output.x += 1;
} else if (tile_set->get_tile_offset_axis() == TileSet::TILE_OFFSET_AXIS_VERTICAL && bool(p_position_in_tilemap.x % 2) && bool(p_coords_in_pattern.x % 2)) {
output.y += 1;
} else if (tile_set->get_tile_layout() == TileSet::TILE_LAYOUT_STACKED_OFFSET) {
if (tile_set->get_tile_offset_axis() == TileSet::TILE_OFFSET_AXIS_HORIZONTAL && bool(p_position_in_tilemap.y % 2) && bool(p_coords_in_pattern.y % 2)) {
output.x -= 1;
} else if (tile_set->get_tile_offset_axis() == TileSet::TILE_OFFSET_AXIS_VERTICAL && bool(p_position_in_tilemap.x % 2) && bool(p_coords_in_pattern.x % 2)) {
output.y -= 1;
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
return output;
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
void TileMap::set_pattern(int p_layer, Vector2i p_position, const TileMapPattern *p_pattern) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_layer, (int)layers.size());
TypedArray<Vector2i> used_cells = p_pattern->get_used_cells();
for (int i = 0; i < used_cells.size(); i++) {
Vector2i coords = map_pattern(p_position, used_cells[i], p_pattern);
set_cell(p_layer, coords, p_pattern->get_cell_source_id(coords), p_pattern->get_cell_atlas_coords(coords), p_pattern->get_cell_alternative_tile(coords));
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
TileMapCell TileMap::get_cell(int p_layer, const Vector2i &p_coords, bool p_use_proxies) const {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_layer, (int)layers.size(), TileMapCell());
const Map<Vector2i, TileMapCell> &tile_map = layers[p_layer].tile_map;
if (!tile_map.has(p_coords)) {
return TileMapCell();
} else {
TileMapCell c = tile_map.find(p_coords)->get();
if (p_use_proxies && tile_set.is_valid()) {
Array proxyed = tile_set->map_tile_proxy(c.source_id, c.get_atlas_coords(), c.alternative_tile);
c.source_id = proxyed[0];
c.alternative_tile = proxyed[2];
return c;
Map<Vector2i, TileMapQuadrant> *TileMap::get_quadrant_map(int p_layer) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_layer, (int)layers.size(), nullptr);
return &layers[p_layer].quadrant_map;
Vector2i TileMap::get_coords_for_body_rid(RID p_physics_body) {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!bodies_coords.has(p_physics_body), Vector2i(), vformat("No tiles for the given body RID %d.", p_physics_body));
return bodies_coords[p_physics_body];
void TileMap::fix_invalid_tiles() {
ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(tile_set.is_null(), "Cannot fix invalid tiles if Tileset is not open.");
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < layers.size(); i++) {
const Map<Vector2i, TileMapCell> &tile_map = layers[i].tile_map;
Set<Vector2i> coords;
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
for (const KeyValue<Vector2i, TileMapCell> &E : tile_map) {
TileSetSource *source = *tile_set->get_source(E.value.source_id);
if (!source || !source->has_tile(E.value.get_atlas_coords()) || !source->has_alternative_tile(E.value.get_atlas_coords(), E.value.alternative_tile)) {
for (Set<Vector2i>::Element *E = coords.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
set_cell(i, E->get(), TileSet::INVALID_SOURCE, TileSetSource::INVALID_ATLAS_COORDS, TileSetSource::INVALID_TILE_ALTERNATIVE);
void TileMap::clear_layer(int p_layer) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_layer, (int)layers.size());
// Remove all tiles.
2021-08-05 18:17:36 +02:00
used_rect_cache_dirty = true;
void TileMap::clear() {
// Remove all tiles.
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < layers.size(); i++) {
2021-08-05 18:17:36 +02:00
used_rect_cache_dirty = true;
void TileMap::_set_tile_data(int p_layer, const Vector<int> &p_data) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_layer, (int)layers.size());
// Set data for a given tile from raw data.
int c = p_data.size();
const int *r = p_data.ptr();
int offset = (format >= FORMAT_2) ? 3 : 2;
ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(c % offset != 0, "Corrupted tile data.");
Huge Amount of BugFix -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -Fixes to Collada Exporter (avoid crash situtions) -Fixed to Collada Importer (Fixed Animation Optimizer Bugs) -Fixes to RigidBody/RigidBody2D body_enter/body_exit, was buggy -Fixed ability for RigidBody/RigidBody2D to get contacts reported and bodyin/out in Kinematic mode. -Added proper trigger support for 3D Physics shapes -Changed proper value for Z-Offset in OmniLight -Fixed spot attenuation bug in SpotLight -Fixed some 3D and 2D spatial soudn bugs related to distance attenuation. -Fixed bugs in EventPlayer (channels were muted by default) -Fix in ButtonGroup (get nodes in group are now returned in order) -Fixed Linear->SRGB Conversion, previous algo sucked, new algo works OK -Changed SRGB->Linear conversion to use hardware if supported, improves texture quality a lot -Fixed options for Y-Fov and X-Fov in camera, should be more intuitive. -Fixed bugs related to viewports and transparency Huge Amount of New Stuff: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=- -Ability to manually advance an AnimationPlayer that is inactive (with advance() function) -More work in WinRT platform -Added XY normalmap support, imports on this format by default. Reduces normlmap size and enables much nice compression using LATC -Added Anisotropic filter support to textures, can be specified on import -Added support for Non-Square, Isometric and Hexagonal tilemaps in TileMap. -Added Isometric Dungeon demo. -Added simple hexagonal map demo. -Added Truck-Town demo. Shows how most types of joints and vehicles are used. Please somebody make a nicer town, this one is too hardcore. -Added an Object-Picking API to both RigidBody and Area! (and relevant demo)
2014-10-03 00:10:51 -03:00
2021-05-24 17:30:37 +02:00
ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(format != FORMAT_3, vformat("Cannot handle deprecated TileMap data format version %d. This Godot version was compiled with no support for deprecated data.", format));
for (int i = 0; i < c; i += offset) {
const uint8_t *ptr = (const uint8_t *)&r[i];
uint8_t local[12];
for (int j = 0; j < ((format >= FORMAT_2) ? 12 : 8); j++) {
local[j] = ptr[j];
Huge Amount of BugFix -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -Fixes to Collada Exporter (avoid crash situtions) -Fixed to Collada Importer (Fixed Animation Optimizer Bugs) -Fixes to RigidBody/RigidBody2D body_enter/body_exit, was buggy -Fixed ability for RigidBody/RigidBody2D to get contacts reported and bodyin/out in Kinematic mode. -Added proper trigger support for 3D Physics shapes -Changed proper value for Z-Offset in OmniLight -Fixed spot attenuation bug in SpotLight -Fixed some 3D and 2D spatial soudn bugs related to distance attenuation. -Fixed bugs in EventPlayer (channels were muted by default) -Fix in ButtonGroup (get nodes in group are now returned in order) -Fixed Linear->SRGB Conversion, previous algo sucked, new algo works OK -Changed SRGB->Linear conversion to use hardware if supported, improves texture quality a lot -Fixed options for Y-Fov and X-Fov in camera, should be more intuitive. -Fixed bugs related to viewports and transparency Huge Amount of New Stuff: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=- -Ability to manually advance an AnimationPlayer that is inactive (with advance() function) -More work in WinRT platform -Added XY normalmap support, imports on this format by default. Reduces normlmap size and enables much nice compression using LATC -Added Anisotropic filter support to textures, can be specified on import -Added support for Non-Square, Isometric and Hexagonal tilemaps in TileMap. -Added Isometric Dungeon demo. -Added simple hexagonal map demo. -Added Truck-Town demo. Shows how most types of joints and vehicles are used. Please somebody make a nicer town, this one is too hardcore. -Added an Object-Picking API to both RigidBody and Area! (and relevant demo)
2014-10-03 00:10:51 -03:00
Huge Amount of BugFix -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -Fixes to Collada Exporter (avoid crash situtions) -Fixed to Collada Importer (Fixed Animation Optimizer Bugs) -Fixes to RigidBody/RigidBody2D body_enter/body_exit, was buggy -Fixed ability for RigidBody/RigidBody2D to get contacts reported and bodyin/out in Kinematic mode. -Added proper trigger support for 3D Physics shapes -Changed proper value for Z-Offset in OmniLight -Fixed spot attenuation bug in SpotLight -Fixed some 3D and 2D spatial soudn bugs related to distance attenuation. -Fixed bugs in EventPlayer (channels were muted by default) -Fix in ButtonGroup (get nodes in group are now returned in order) -Fixed Linear->SRGB Conversion, previous algo sucked, new algo works OK -Changed SRGB->Linear conversion to use hardware if supported, improves texture quality a lot -Fixed options for Y-Fov and X-Fov in camera, should be more intuitive. -Fixed bugs related to viewports and transparency Huge Amount of New Stuff: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=- -Ability to manually advance an AnimationPlayer that is inactive (with advance() function) -More work in WinRT platform -Added XY normalmap support, imports on this format by default. Reduces normlmap size and enables much nice compression using LATC -Added Anisotropic filter support to textures, can be specified on import -Added support for Non-Square, Isometric and Hexagonal tilemaps in TileMap. -Added Isometric Dungeon demo. -Added simple hexagonal map demo. -Added Truck-Town demo. Shows how most types of joints and vehicles are used. Please somebody make a nicer town, this one is too hardcore. -Added an Object-Picking API to both RigidBody and Area! (and relevant demo)
2014-10-03 00:10:51 -03:00
SWAP(local[0], local[3]);
SWAP(local[1], local[2]);
SWAP(local[4], local[7]);
SWAP(local[5], local[6]);
//TODO: ask someone to check this...
if (FORMAT >= FORMAT_2) {
SWAP(local[8], local[11]);
SWAP(local[9], local[10]);
// Extracts position in TileMap.
int16_t x = decode_uint16(&local[0]);
int16_t y = decode_uint16(&local[2]);
if (format == FORMAT_3) {
uint16_t source_id = decode_uint16(&local[4]);
uint16_t atlas_coords_x = decode_uint16(&local[6]);
uint16_t atlas_coords_y = decode_uint16(&local[8]);
uint16_t alternative_tile = decode_uint16(&local[10]);
set_cell(p_layer, Vector2i(x, y), source_id, Vector2i(atlas_coords_x, atlas_coords_y), alternative_tile);
} else {
2021-05-24 17:30:37 +02:00
// Previous decated format.
uint32_t v = decode_uint32(&local[4]);
// Extract the transform flags that used to be in the tilemap.
bool flip_h = v & (1 << 29);
bool flip_v = v & (1 << 30);
bool transpose = v & (1 << 31);
v &= (1 << 29) - 1;
// Extract autotile/atlas coords.
int16_t coord_x = 0;
int16_t coord_y = 0;
if (format == FORMAT_2) {
coord_x = decode_uint16(&local[8]);
coord_y = decode_uint16(&local[10]);
if (tile_set.is_valid()) {
Array a = tile_set->compatibility_tilemap_map(v, Vector2i(coord_x, coord_y), flip_h, flip_v, transpose);
if (a.size() == 3) {
set_cell(p_layer, Vector2i(x, y), a[0], a[1], a[2]);
} else {
ERR_PRINT(vformat("No valid tile in Tileset for: tile:%s coords:%s flip_h:%s flip_v:%s transpose:%s", v, Vector2i(coord_x, coord_y), flip_h, flip_v, transpose));
} else {
int compatibility_alternative_tile = ((int)flip_h) + ((int)flip_v << 1) + ((int)transpose << 2);
set_cell(p_layer, Vector2i(x, y), v, Vector2i(coord_x, coord_y), compatibility_alternative_tile);
2021-05-24 17:30:37 +02:00
Huge Amount of BugFix -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -Fixes to Collada Exporter (avoid crash situtions) -Fixed to Collada Importer (Fixed Animation Optimizer Bugs) -Fixes to RigidBody/RigidBody2D body_enter/body_exit, was buggy -Fixed ability for RigidBody/RigidBody2D to get contacts reported and bodyin/out in Kinematic mode. -Added proper trigger support for 3D Physics shapes -Changed proper value for Z-Offset in OmniLight -Fixed spot attenuation bug in SpotLight -Fixed some 3D and 2D spatial soudn bugs related to distance attenuation. -Fixed bugs in EventPlayer (channels were muted by default) -Fix in ButtonGroup (get nodes in group are now returned in order) -Fixed Linear->SRGB Conversion, previous algo sucked, new algo works OK -Changed SRGB->Linear conversion to use hardware if supported, improves texture quality a lot -Fixed options for Y-Fov and X-Fov in camera, should be more intuitive. -Fixed bugs related to viewports and transparency Huge Amount of New Stuff: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=- -Ability to manually advance an AnimationPlayer that is inactive (with advance() function) -More work in WinRT platform -Added XY normalmap support, imports on this format by default. Reduces normlmap size and enables much nice compression using LATC -Added Anisotropic filter support to textures, can be specified on import -Added support for Non-Square, Isometric and Hexagonal tilemaps in TileMap. -Added Isometric Dungeon demo. -Added simple hexagonal map demo. -Added Truck-Town demo. Shows how most types of joints and vehicles are used. Please somebody make a nicer town, this one is too hardcore. -Added an Object-Picking API to both RigidBody and Area! (and relevant demo)
2014-10-03 00:10:51 -03:00
Huge Amount of BugFix -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -Fixes to Collada Exporter (avoid crash situtions) -Fixed to Collada Importer (Fixed Animation Optimizer Bugs) -Fixes to RigidBody/RigidBody2D body_enter/body_exit, was buggy -Fixed ability for RigidBody/RigidBody2D to get contacts reported and bodyin/out in Kinematic mode. -Added proper trigger support for 3D Physics shapes -Changed proper value for Z-Offset in OmniLight -Fixed spot attenuation bug in SpotLight -Fixed some 3D and 2D spatial soudn bugs related to distance attenuation. -Fixed bugs in EventPlayer (channels were muted by default) -Fix in ButtonGroup (get nodes in group are now returned in order) -Fixed Linear->SRGB Conversion, previous algo sucked, new algo works OK -Changed SRGB->Linear conversion to use hardware if supported, improves texture quality a lot -Fixed options for Y-Fov and X-Fov in camera, should be more intuitive. -Fixed bugs related to viewports and transparency Huge Amount of New Stuff: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=- -Ability to manually advance an AnimationPlayer that is inactive (with advance() function) -More work in WinRT platform -Added XY normalmap support, imports on this format by default. Reduces normlmap size and enables much nice compression using LATC -Added Anisotropic filter support to textures, can be specified on import -Added support for Non-Square, Isometric and Hexagonal tilemaps in TileMap. -Added Isometric Dungeon demo. -Added simple hexagonal map demo. -Added Truck-Town demo. Shows how most types of joints and vehicles are used. Please somebody make a nicer town, this one is too hardcore. -Added an Object-Picking API to both RigidBody and Area! (and relevant demo)
2014-10-03 00:10:51 -03:00
Vector<int> TileMap::_get_tile_data(int p_layer) const {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_layer, (int)layers.size(), Vector<int>());
// Export tile data to raw format
const Map<Vector2i, TileMapCell> &tile_map = layers[p_layer].tile_map;
Vector<int> data;
data.resize(tile_map.size() * 3);
int *w = data.ptrw();
Huge Amount of BugFix -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -Fixes to Collada Exporter (avoid crash situtions) -Fixed to Collada Importer (Fixed Animation Optimizer Bugs) -Fixes to RigidBody/RigidBody2D body_enter/body_exit, was buggy -Fixed ability for RigidBody/RigidBody2D to get contacts reported and bodyin/out in Kinematic mode. -Added proper trigger support for 3D Physics shapes -Changed proper value for Z-Offset in OmniLight -Fixed spot attenuation bug in SpotLight -Fixed some 3D and 2D spatial soudn bugs related to distance attenuation. -Fixed bugs in EventPlayer (channels were muted by default) -Fix in ButtonGroup (get nodes in group are now returned in order) -Fixed Linear->SRGB Conversion, previous algo sucked, new algo works OK -Changed SRGB->Linear conversion to use hardware if supported, improves texture quality a lot -Fixed options for Y-Fov and X-Fov in camera, should be more intuitive. -Fixed bugs related to viewports and transparency Huge Amount of New Stuff: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=- -Ability to manually advance an AnimationPlayer that is inactive (with advance() function) -More work in WinRT platform -Added XY normalmap support, imports on this format by default. Reduces normlmap size and enables much nice compression using LATC -Added Anisotropic filter support to textures, can be specified on import -Added support for Non-Square, Isometric and Hexagonal tilemaps in TileMap. -Added Isometric Dungeon demo. -Added simple hexagonal map demo. -Added Truck-Town demo. Shows how most types of joints and vehicles are used. Please somebody make a nicer town, this one is too hardcore. -Added an Object-Picking API to both RigidBody and Area! (and relevant demo)
2014-10-03 00:10:51 -03:00
// Save in highest format
Huge Amount of BugFix -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -Fixes to Collada Exporter (avoid crash situtions) -Fixed to Collada Importer (Fixed Animation Optimizer Bugs) -Fixes to RigidBody/RigidBody2D body_enter/body_exit, was buggy -Fixed ability for RigidBody/RigidBody2D to get contacts reported and bodyin/out in Kinematic mode. -Added proper trigger support for 3D Physics shapes -Changed proper value for Z-Offset in OmniLight -Fixed spot attenuation bug in SpotLight -Fixed some 3D and 2D spatial soudn bugs related to distance attenuation. -Fixed bugs in EventPlayer (channels were muted by default) -Fix in ButtonGroup (get nodes in group are now returned in order) -Fixed Linear->SRGB Conversion, previous algo sucked, new algo works OK -Changed SRGB->Linear conversion to use hardware if supported, improves texture quality a lot -Fixed options for Y-Fov and X-Fov in camera, should be more intuitive. -Fixed bugs related to viewports and transparency Huge Amount of New Stuff: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=- -Ability to manually advance an AnimationPlayer that is inactive (with advance() function) -More work in WinRT platform -Added XY normalmap support, imports on this format by default. Reduces normlmap size and enables much nice compression using LATC -Added Anisotropic filter support to textures, can be specified on import -Added support for Non-Square, Isometric and Hexagonal tilemaps in TileMap. -Added Isometric Dungeon demo. -Added simple hexagonal map demo. -Added Truck-Town demo. Shows how most types of joints and vehicles are used. Please somebody make a nicer town, this one is too hardcore. -Added an Object-Picking API to both RigidBody and Area! (and relevant demo)
2014-10-03 00:10:51 -03:00
int idx = 0;
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
for (const KeyValue<Vector2i, TileMapCell> &E : tile_map) {
uint8_t *ptr = (uint8_t *)&w[idx];
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
encode_uint16((int16_t)(E.key.x), &ptr[0]);
encode_uint16((int16_t)(E.key.y), &ptr[2]);
encode_uint16(E.value.source_id, &ptr[4]);
encode_uint16(E.value.coord_x, &ptr[6]);
encode_uint16(E.value.coord_y, &ptr[8]);
encode_uint16(E.value.alternative_tile, &ptr[10]);
idx += 3;
Huge Amount of BugFix -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -Fixes to Collada Exporter (avoid crash situtions) -Fixed to Collada Importer (Fixed Animation Optimizer Bugs) -Fixes to RigidBody/RigidBody2D body_enter/body_exit, was buggy -Fixed ability for RigidBody/RigidBody2D to get contacts reported and bodyin/out in Kinematic mode. -Added proper trigger support for 3D Physics shapes -Changed proper value for Z-Offset in OmniLight -Fixed spot attenuation bug in SpotLight -Fixed some 3D and 2D spatial soudn bugs related to distance attenuation. -Fixed bugs in EventPlayer (channels were muted by default) -Fix in ButtonGroup (get nodes in group are now returned in order) -Fixed Linear->SRGB Conversion, previous algo sucked, new algo works OK -Changed SRGB->Linear conversion to use hardware if supported, improves texture quality a lot -Fixed options for Y-Fov and X-Fov in camera, should be more intuitive. -Fixed bugs related to viewports and transparency Huge Amount of New Stuff: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=- -Ability to manually advance an AnimationPlayer that is inactive (with advance() function) -More work in WinRT platform -Added XY normalmap support, imports on this format by default. Reduces normlmap size and enables much nice compression using LATC -Added Anisotropic filter support to textures, can be specified on import -Added support for Non-Square, Isometric and Hexagonal tilemaps in TileMap. -Added Isometric Dungeon demo. -Added simple hexagonal map demo. -Added Truck-Town demo. Shows how most types of joints and vehicles are used. Please somebody make a nicer town, this one is too hardcore. -Added an Object-Picking API to both RigidBody and Area! (and relevant demo)
2014-10-03 00:10:51 -03:00
return data;
Huge Amount of BugFix -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -Fixes to Collada Exporter (avoid crash situtions) -Fixed to Collada Importer (Fixed Animation Optimizer Bugs) -Fixes to RigidBody/RigidBody2D body_enter/body_exit, was buggy -Fixed ability for RigidBody/RigidBody2D to get contacts reported and bodyin/out in Kinematic mode. -Added proper trigger support for 3D Physics shapes -Changed proper value for Z-Offset in OmniLight -Fixed spot attenuation bug in SpotLight -Fixed some 3D and 2D spatial soudn bugs related to distance attenuation. -Fixed bugs in EventPlayer (channels were muted by default) -Fix in ButtonGroup (get nodes in group are now returned in order) -Fixed Linear->SRGB Conversion, previous algo sucked, new algo works OK -Changed SRGB->Linear conversion to use hardware if supported, improves texture quality a lot -Fixed options for Y-Fov and X-Fov in camera, should be more intuitive. -Fixed bugs related to viewports and transparency Huge Amount of New Stuff: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=- -Ability to manually advance an AnimationPlayer that is inactive (with advance() function) -More work in WinRT platform -Added XY normalmap support, imports on this format by default. Reduces normlmap size and enables much nice compression using LATC -Added Anisotropic filter support to textures, can be specified on import -Added support for Non-Square, Isometric and Hexagonal tilemaps in TileMap. -Added Isometric Dungeon demo. -Added simple hexagonal map demo. -Added Truck-Town demo. Shows how most types of joints and vehicles are used. Please somebody make a nicer town, this one is too hardcore. -Added an Object-Picking API to both RigidBody and Area! (and relevant demo)
2014-10-03 00:10:51 -03:00
Rect2 TileMap::_edit_get_rect() const {
// Return the visible rect of the tilemap
if (pending_update) {
const_cast<TileMap *>(this)->_update_dirty_quadrants();
} else {
const_cast<TileMap *>(this)->_recompute_rect_cache();
Huge Amount of BugFix -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -Fixes to Collada Exporter (avoid crash situtions) -Fixed to Collada Importer (Fixed Animation Optimizer Bugs) -Fixes to RigidBody/RigidBody2D body_enter/body_exit, was buggy -Fixed ability for RigidBody/RigidBody2D to get contacts reported and bodyin/out in Kinematic mode. -Added proper trigger support for 3D Physics shapes -Changed proper value for Z-Offset in OmniLight -Fixed spot attenuation bug in SpotLight -Fixed some 3D and 2D spatial soudn bugs related to distance attenuation. -Fixed bugs in EventPlayer (channels were muted by default) -Fix in ButtonGroup (get nodes in group are now returned in order) -Fixed Linear->SRGB Conversion, previous algo sucked, new algo works OK -Changed SRGB->Linear conversion to use hardware if supported, improves texture quality a lot -Fixed options for Y-Fov and X-Fov in camera, should be more intuitive. -Fixed bugs related to viewports and transparency Huge Amount of New Stuff: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=- -Ability to manually advance an AnimationPlayer that is inactive (with advance() function) -More work in WinRT platform -Added XY normalmap support, imports on this format by default. Reduces normlmap size and enables much nice compression using LATC -Added Anisotropic filter support to textures, can be specified on import -Added support for Non-Square, Isometric and Hexagonal tilemaps in TileMap. -Added Isometric Dungeon demo. -Added simple hexagonal map demo. -Added Truck-Town demo. Shows how most types of joints and vehicles are used. Please somebody make a nicer town, this one is too hardcore. -Added an Object-Picking API to both RigidBody and Area! (and relevant demo)
2014-10-03 00:10:51 -03:00
return rect_cache;
Huge Amount of BugFix -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -Fixes to Collada Exporter (avoid crash situtions) -Fixed to Collada Importer (Fixed Animation Optimizer Bugs) -Fixes to RigidBody/RigidBody2D body_enter/body_exit, was buggy -Fixed ability for RigidBody/RigidBody2D to get contacts reported and bodyin/out in Kinematic mode. -Added proper trigger support for 3D Physics shapes -Changed proper value for Z-Offset in OmniLight -Fixed spot attenuation bug in SpotLight -Fixed some 3D and 2D spatial soudn bugs related to distance attenuation. -Fixed bugs in EventPlayer (channels were muted by default) -Fix in ButtonGroup (get nodes in group are now returned in order) -Fixed Linear->SRGB Conversion, previous algo sucked, new algo works OK -Changed SRGB->Linear conversion to use hardware if supported, improves texture quality a lot -Fixed options for Y-Fov and X-Fov in camera, should be more intuitive. -Fixed bugs related to viewports and transparency Huge Amount of New Stuff: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=- -Ability to manually advance an AnimationPlayer that is inactive (with advance() function) -More work in WinRT platform -Added XY normalmap support, imports on this format by default. Reduces normlmap size and enables much nice compression using LATC -Added Anisotropic filter support to textures, can be specified on import -Added support for Non-Square, Isometric and Hexagonal tilemaps in TileMap. -Added Isometric Dungeon demo. -Added simple hexagonal map demo. -Added Truck-Town demo. Shows how most types of joints and vehicles are used. Please somebody make a nicer town, this one is too hardcore. -Added an Object-Picking API to both RigidBody and Area! (and relevant demo)
2014-10-03 00:10:51 -03:00
2017-10-21 22:42:23 -03:00
bool TileMap::_set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) {
Vector<String> components = String(p_name).split("/", true, 2);
2017-10-21 22:42:23 -03:00
if (p_name == "format") {
if (p_value.get_type() == Variant::INT) {
format = (DataFormat)(p_value.operator int64_t()); // Set format used for loading
2017-10-21 22:42:23 -03:00
return true;
} else if (p_name == "tile_data") { // Kept for compatibility reasons.
2017-10-21 22:42:23 -03:00
if (p_value.is_array()) {
if (layers.size() < 1) {
_set_tile_data(0, p_value);
2017-10-21 22:42:23 -03:00
return true;
return false;
} else if (components.size() == 2 && components[0].begins_with("layer_") && components[0].trim_prefix("layer_").is_valid_int()) {
int index = components[0].trim_prefix("layer_").to_int();
2021-09-26 21:44:26 +02:00
if (index < 0) {
return false;
2021-09-26 21:44:26 +02:00
if (index >= (int)layers.size()) {
while (index >= (int)layers.size()) {
if (components[1] == "name") {
set_layer_name(index, p_value);
return true;
} else if (components[1] == "enabled") {
set_layer_enabled(index, p_value);
return true;
} else if (components[1] == "y_sort_enabled") {
set_layer_y_sort_enabled(index, p_value);
return true;
} else if (components[1] == "y_sort_origin") {
set_layer_y_sort_origin(index, p_value);
return true;
} else if (components[1] == "z_index") {
set_layer_z_index(index, p_value);
return true;
} else if (components[1] == "tile_data") {
_set_tile_data(index, p_value);
return true;
} else {
return false;
2017-10-21 22:42:23 -03:00
return false;
bool TileMap::_get(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) const {
Vector<String> components = String(p_name).split("/", true, 2);
2017-10-21 22:42:23 -03:00
if (p_name == "format") {
r_ret = FORMAT_3; // When saving, always save highest format
2017-10-21 22:42:23 -03:00
return true;
} else if (components.size() == 2 && components[0].begins_with("layer_") && components[0].trim_prefix("layer_").is_valid_int()) {
int index = components[0].trim_prefix("layer_").to_int();
if (index < 0 || index >= (int)layers.size()) {
return false;
if (components[1] == "name") {
r_ret = get_layer_name(index);
return true;
} else if (components[1] == "enabled") {
r_ret = is_layer_enabled(index);
return true;
} else if (components[1] == "y_sort_enabled") {
r_ret = is_layer_y_sort_enabled(index);
return true;
} else if (components[1] == "y_sort_origin") {
r_ret = get_layer_y_sort_origin(index);
return true;
} else if (components[1] == "z_index") {
r_ret = get_layer_z_index(index);
return true;
} else if (components[1] == "tile_data") {
r_ret = _get_tile_data(index);
return true;
} else {
return false;
2017-10-21 22:42:23 -03:00
return false;
void TileMap::_get_property_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_list) const {
p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "format", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_NOEDITOR | PROPERTY_USAGE_INTERNAL));
p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::NIL, "Layers", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_GROUP));
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < layers.size(); i++) {
p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, vformat("layer_%d/name", i), PROPERTY_HINT_NONE));
p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, vformat("layer_%d/enabled", i), PROPERTY_HINT_NONE));
p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, vformat("layer_%d/y_sort_enabled", i), PROPERTY_HINT_NONE));
p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, vformat("layer_%d/y_sort_origin", i), PROPERTY_HINT_NONE));
p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, vformat("layer_%d/z_index", i), PROPERTY_HINT_NONE));
p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, vformat("layer_%d/tile_data", i), PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_NOEDITOR));
2017-10-21 22:42:23 -03:00
Vector2 TileMap::map_to_world(const Vector2i &p_pos) const {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!tile_set.is_valid(), Vector2());
Vector2 ret = p_pos;
TileSet::TileShape tile_shape = tile_set->get_tile_shape();
TileSet::TileOffsetAxis tile_offset_axis = tile_set->get_tile_offset_axis();
if (tile_shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_HALF_OFFSET_SQUARE || tile_shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_HEXAGON || tile_shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC) {
// Technically, those 3 shapes are equivalent, as they are basically half-offset, but with different levels or overlap.
// square = no overlap, hexagon = 0.25 overlap, isometric = 0.5 overlap
if (tile_offset_axis == TileSet::TILE_OFFSET_AXIS_HORIZONTAL) {
switch (tile_set->get_tile_layout()) {
ret = Vector2(ret.x + (Math::posmod(ret.y, 2) == 0 ? 0.0 : 0.5), ret.y);
ret = Vector2(ret.x + (Math::posmod(ret.y, 2) == 1 ? 0.0 : 0.5), ret.y);
ret = Vector2(ret.x + ret.y / 2, ret.y);
ret = Vector2(ret.x / 2, ret.y * 2 + ret.x);
ret = Vector2((ret.x + ret.y) / 2, ret.y - ret.x);
ret = Vector2((ret.x - ret.y) / 2, ret.y + ret.x);
switch (tile_set->get_tile_layout()) {
ret = Vector2(ret.x, ret.y + (Math::posmod(ret.x, 2) == 0 ? 0.0 : 0.5));
ret = Vector2(ret.x, ret.y + (Math::posmod(ret.x, 2) == 1 ? 0.0 : 0.5));
ret = Vector2(ret.x * 2 + ret.y, ret.y / 2);
ret = Vector2(ret.x, ret.y + ret.x / 2);
ret = Vector2(ret.x + ret.y, (ret.y - ret.x) / 2);
ret = Vector2(ret.x - ret.y, (ret.y + ret.x) / 2);
// Multiply by the overlapping ratio
double overlapping_ratio = 1.0;
if (tile_offset_axis == TileSet::TILE_OFFSET_AXIS_HORIZONTAL) {
if (tile_shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC) {
overlapping_ratio = 0.5;
} else if (tile_shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_HEXAGON) {
overlapping_ratio = 0.75;
ret.y *= overlapping_ratio;
if (tile_shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC) {
overlapping_ratio = 0.5;
} else if (tile_shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_HEXAGON) {
overlapping_ratio = 0.75;
ret.x *= overlapping_ratio;
return (ret + Vector2(0.5, 0.5)) * tile_set->get_tile_size();
Huge Amount of BugFix -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -Fixes to Collada Exporter (avoid crash situtions) -Fixed to Collada Importer (Fixed Animation Optimizer Bugs) -Fixes to RigidBody/RigidBody2D body_enter/body_exit, was buggy -Fixed ability for RigidBody/RigidBody2D to get contacts reported and bodyin/out in Kinematic mode. -Added proper trigger support for 3D Physics shapes -Changed proper value for Z-Offset in OmniLight -Fixed spot attenuation bug in SpotLight -Fixed some 3D and 2D spatial soudn bugs related to distance attenuation. -Fixed bugs in EventPlayer (channels were muted by default) -Fix in ButtonGroup (get nodes in group are now returned in order) -Fixed Linear->SRGB Conversion, previous algo sucked, new algo works OK -Changed SRGB->Linear conversion to use hardware if supported, improves texture quality a lot -Fixed options for Y-Fov and X-Fov in camera, should be more intuitive. -Fixed bugs related to viewports and transparency Huge Amount of New Stuff: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=- -Ability to manually advance an AnimationPlayer that is inactive (with advance() function) -More work in WinRT platform -Added XY normalmap support, imports on this format by default. Reduces normlmap size and enables much nice compression using LATC -Added Anisotropic filter support to textures, can be specified on import -Added support for Non-Square, Isometric and Hexagonal tilemaps in TileMap. -Added Isometric Dungeon demo. -Added simple hexagonal map demo. -Added Truck-Town demo. Shows how most types of joints and vehicles are used. Please somebody make a nicer town, this one is too hardcore. -Added an Object-Picking API to both RigidBody and Area! (and relevant demo)
2014-10-03 00:10:51 -03:00
2017-10-21 22:42:23 -03:00
Vector2i TileMap::world_to_map(const Vector2 &p_pos) const {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!tile_set.is_valid(), Vector2i());
Huge Amount of BugFix -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -Fixes to Collada Exporter (avoid crash situtions) -Fixed to Collada Importer (Fixed Animation Optimizer Bugs) -Fixes to RigidBody/RigidBody2D body_enter/body_exit, was buggy -Fixed ability for RigidBody/RigidBody2D to get contacts reported and bodyin/out in Kinematic mode. -Added proper trigger support for 3D Physics shapes -Changed proper value for Z-Offset in OmniLight -Fixed spot attenuation bug in SpotLight -Fixed some 3D and 2D spatial soudn bugs related to distance attenuation. -Fixed bugs in EventPlayer (channels were muted by default) -Fix in ButtonGroup (get nodes in group are now returned in order) -Fixed Linear->SRGB Conversion, previous algo sucked, new algo works OK -Changed SRGB->Linear conversion to use hardware if supported, improves texture quality a lot -Fixed options for Y-Fov and X-Fov in camera, should be more intuitive. -Fixed bugs related to viewports and transparency Huge Amount of New Stuff: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=- -Ability to manually advance an AnimationPlayer that is inactive (with advance() function) -More work in WinRT platform -Added XY normalmap support, imports on this format by default. Reduces normlmap size and enables much nice compression using LATC -Added Anisotropic filter support to textures, can be specified on import -Added support for Non-Square, Isometric and Hexagonal tilemaps in TileMap. -Added Isometric Dungeon demo. -Added simple hexagonal map demo. -Added Truck-Town demo. Shows how most types of joints and vehicles are used. Please somebody make a nicer town, this one is too hardcore. -Added an Object-Picking API to both RigidBody and Area! (and relevant demo)
2014-10-03 00:10:51 -03:00
Vector2 ret = p_pos;
ret /= tile_set->get_tile_size();
TileSet::TileShape tile_shape = tile_set->get_tile_shape();
TileSet::TileOffsetAxis tile_offset_axis = tile_set->get_tile_offset_axis();
TileSet::TileLayout tile_layout = tile_set->get_tile_layout();
// Divide by the overlapping ratio
double overlapping_ratio = 1.0;
if (tile_offset_axis == TileSet::TILE_OFFSET_AXIS_HORIZONTAL) {
if (tile_shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC) {
overlapping_ratio = 0.5;
} else if (tile_shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_HEXAGON) {
overlapping_ratio = 0.75;
ret.y /= overlapping_ratio;
if (tile_shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC) {
overlapping_ratio = 0.5;
} else if (tile_shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_HEXAGON) {
overlapping_ratio = 0.75;
ret.x /= overlapping_ratio;
// For each half-offset shape, we check if we are in the corner of the tile, and thus should correct the world position accordingly.
if (tile_shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_HALF_OFFSET_SQUARE || tile_shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_HEXAGON || tile_shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC) {
// Technically, those 3 shapes are equivalent, as they are basically half-offset, but with different levels or overlap.
// square = no overlap, hexagon = 0.25 overlap, isometric = 0.5 overlap
if (tile_offset_axis == TileSet::TILE_OFFSET_AXIS_HORIZONTAL) {
// Smart floor of the position
Vector2 raw_pos = ret;
if (Math::posmod(Math::floor(ret.y), 2) ^ (tile_layout == TileSet::TILE_LAYOUT_STACKED_OFFSET)) {
ret = Vector2(Math::floor(ret.x + 0.5) - 0.5, Math::floor(ret.y));
} else {
ret = ret.floor();
Huge Amount of BugFix -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -Fixes to Collada Exporter (avoid crash situtions) -Fixed to Collada Importer (Fixed Animation Optimizer Bugs) -Fixes to RigidBody/RigidBody2D body_enter/body_exit, was buggy -Fixed ability for RigidBody/RigidBody2D to get contacts reported and bodyin/out in Kinematic mode. -Added proper trigger support for 3D Physics shapes -Changed proper value for Z-Offset in OmniLight -Fixed spot attenuation bug in SpotLight -Fixed some 3D and 2D spatial soudn bugs related to distance attenuation. -Fixed bugs in EventPlayer (channels were muted by default) -Fix in ButtonGroup (get nodes in group are now returned in order) -Fixed Linear->SRGB Conversion, previous algo sucked, new algo works OK -Changed SRGB->Linear conversion to use hardware if supported, improves texture quality a lot -Fixed options for Y-Fov and X-Fov in camera, should be more intuitive. -Fixed bugs related to viewports and transparency Huge Amount of New Stuff: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=- -Ability to manually advance an AnimationPlayer that is inactive (with advance() function) -More work in WinRT platform -Added XY normalmap support, imports on this format by default. Reduces normlmap size and enables much nice compression using LATC -Added Anisotropic filter support to textures, can be specified on import -Added support for Non-Square, Isometric and Hexagonal tilemaps in TileMap. -Added Isometric Dungeon demo. -Added simple hexagonal map demo. -Added Truck-Town demo. Shows how most types of joints and vehicles are used. Please somebody make a nicer town, this one is too hardcore. -Added an Object-Picking API to both RigidBody and Area! (and relevant demo)
2014-10-03 00:10:51 -03:00
// Compute the tile offset, and if we might the output for a neighbour top tile
Vector2 in_tile_pos = raw_pos - ret;
bool in_top_left_triangle = (in_tile_pos - Vector2(0.5, 0.0)).cross(Vector2(-0.5, 1.0 / overlapping_ratio - 1)) <= 0;
bool in_top_right_triangle = (in_tile_pos - Vector2(0.5, 0.0)).cross(Vector2(0.5, 1.0 / overlapping_ratio - 1)) > 0;
switch (tile_layout) {
ret = ret.floor();
if (in_top_left_triangle) {
ret += Vector2i(Math::posmod(Math::floor(ret.y), 2) ? 0 : -1, -1);
} else if (in_top_right_triangle) {
ret += Vector2i(Math::posmod(Math::floor(ret.y), 2) ? 1 : 0, -1);
ret = ret.floor();
if (in_top_left_triangle) {
ret += Vector2i(Math::posmod(Math::floor(ret.y), 2) ? -1 : 0, -1);
} else if (in_top_right_triangle) {
ret += Vector2i(Math::posmod(Math::floor(ret.y), 2) ? 0 : 1, -1);
ret = Vector2(ret.x - ret.y / 2, ret.y).floor();
if (in_top_left_triangle) {
ret += Vector2i(0, -1);
} else if (in_top_right_triangle) {
ret += Vector2i(1, -1);
ret = Vector2(ret.x * 2, ret.y / 2 - ret.x).floor();
if (in_top_left_triangle) {
ret += Vector2i(-1, 0);
} else if (in_top_right_triangle) {
ret += Vector2i(1, -1);
ret = Vector2(ret.x - ret.y / 2, ret.y / 2 + ret.x).floor();
if (in_top_left_triangle) {
ret += Vector2i(0, -1);
} else if (in_top_right_triangle) {
ret += Vector2i(1, 0);
ret = Vector2(ret.x + ret.y / 2, ret.y / 2 - ret.x).floor();
if (in_top_left_triangle) {
ret += Vector2i(-1, 0);
} else if (in_top_right_triangle) {
ret += Vector2i(0, -1);
// Smart floor of the position
Vector2 raw_pos = ret;
if (Math::posmod(Math::floor(ret.x), 2) ^ (tile_layout == TileSet::TILE_LAYOUT_STACKED_OFFSET)) {
ret = Vector2(Math::floor(ret.x), Math::floor(ret.y + 0.5) - 0.5);
} else {
ret = ret.floor();
Huge Amount of BugFix -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -Fixes to Collada Exporter (avoid crash situtions) -Fixed to Collada Importer (Fixed Animation Optimizer Bugs) -Fixes to RigidBody/RigidBody2D body_enter/body_exit, was buggy -Fixed ability for RigidBody/RigidBody2D to get contacts reported and bodyin/out in Kinematic mode. -Added proper trigger support for 3D Physics shapes -Changed proper value for Z-Offset in OmniLight -Fixed spot attenuation bug in SpotLight -Fixed some 3D and 2D spatial soudn bugs related to distance attenuation. -Fixed bugs in EventPlayer (channels were muted by default) -Fix in ButtonGroup (get nodes in group are now returned in order) -Fixed Linear->SRGB Conversion, previous algo sucked, new algo works OK -Changed SRGB->Linear conversion to use hardware if supported, improves texture quality a lot -Fixed options for Y-Fov and X-Fov in camera, should be more intuitive. -Fixed bugs related to viewports and transparency Huge Amount of New Stuff: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=- -Ability to manually advance an AnimationPlayer that is inactive (with advance() function) -More work in WinRT platform -Added XY normalmap support, imports on this format by default. Reduces normlmap size and enables much nice compression using LATC -Added Anisotropic filter support to textures, can be specified on import -Added support for Non-Square, Isometric and Hexagonal tilemaps in TileMap. -Added Isometric Dungeon demo. -Added simple hexagonal map demo. -Added Truck-Town demo. Shows how most types of joints and vehicles are used. Please somebody make a nicer town, this one is too hardcore. -Added an Object-Picking API to both RigidBody and Area! (and relevant demo)
2014-10-03 00:10:51 -03:00
// Compute the tile offset, and if we might the output for a neighbour top tile
Vector2 in_tile_pos = raw_pos - ret;
bool in_top_left_triangle = (in_tile_pos - Vector2(0.0, 0.5)).cross(Vector2(1.0 / overlapping_ratio - 1, -0.5)) > 0;
bool in_bottom_left_triangle = (in_tile_pos - Vector2(0.0, 0.5)).cross(Vector2(1.0 / overlapping_ratio - 1, 0.5)) <= 0;
switch (tile_layout) {
ret = ret.floor();
if (in_top_left_triangle) {
ret += Vector2i(-1, Math::posmod(Math::floor(ret.x), 2) ? 0 : -1);
} else if (in_bottom_left_triangle) {
ret += Vector2i(-1, Math::posmod(Math::floor(ret.x), 2) ? 1 : 0);
ret = ret.floor();
if (in_top_left_triangle) {
ret += Vector2i(-1, Math::posmod(Math::floor(ret.x), 2) ? -1 : 0);
} else if (in_bottom_left_triangle) {
ret += Vector2i(-1, Math::posmod(Math::floor(ret.x), 2) ? 0 : 1);
ret = Vector2(ret.x / 2 - ret.y, ret.y * 2).floor();
if (in_top_left_triangle) {
ret += Vector2i(0, -1);
} else if (in_bottom_left_triangle) {
ret += Vector2i(-1, 1);
ret = Vector2(ret.x, ret.y - ret.x / 2).floor();
if (in_top_left_triangle) {
ret += Vector2i(-1, 0);
} else if (in_bottom_left_triangle) {
ret += Vector2i(-1, 1);
ret = Vector2(ret.x / 2 - ret.y, ret.y + ret.x / 2).floor();
if (in_top_left_triangle) {
ret += Vector2i(0, -1);
} else if (in_bottom_left_triangle) {
ret += Vector2i(-1, 0);
ret = Vector2(ret.x / 2 + ret.y, ret.y - ret.x / 2).floor();
if (in_top_left_triangle) {
ret += Vector2i(-1, 0);
} else if (in_bottom_left_triangle) {
ret += Vector2i(0, 1);
} else {
ret = (ret + Vector2(0.00005, 0.00005)).floor();
Huge Amount of BugFix -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -Fixes to Collada Exporter (avoid crash situtions) -Fixed to Collada Importer (Fixed Animation Optimizer Bugs) -Fixes to RigidBody/RigidBody2D body_enter/body_exit, was buggy -Fixed ability for RigidBody/RigidBody2D to get contacts reported and bodyin/out in Kinematic mode. -Added proper trigger support for 3D Physics shapes -Changed proper value for Z-Offset in OmniLight -Fixed spot attenuation bug in SpotLight -Fixed some 3D and 2D spatial soudn bugs related to distance attenuation. -Fixed bugs in EventPlayer (channels were muted by default) -Fix in ButtonGroup (get nodes in group are now returned in order) -Fixed Linear->SRGB Conversion, previous algo sucked, new algo works OK -Changed SRGB->Linear conversion to use hardware if supported, improves texture quality a lot -Fixed options for Y-Fov and X-Fov in camera, should be more intuitive. -Fixed bugs related to viewports and transparency Huge Amount of New Stuff: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=- -Ability to manually advance an AnimationPlayer that is inactive (with advance() function) -More work in WinRT platform -Added XY normalmap support, imports on this format by default. Reduces normlmap size and enables much nice compression using LATC -Added Anisotropic filter support to textures, can be specified on import -Added support for Non-Square, Isometric and Hexagonal tilemaps in TileMap. -Added Isometric Dungeon demo. -Added simple hexagonal map demo. -Added Truck-Town demo. Shows how most types of joints and vehicles are used. Please somebody make a nicer town, this one is too hardcore. -Added an Object-Picking API to both RigidBody and Area! (and relevant demo)
2014-10-03 00:10:51 -03:00
return Vector2i(ret);
Huge Amount of BugFix -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -Fixes to Collada Exporter (avoid crash situtions) -Fixed to Collada Importer (Fixed Animation Optimizer Bugs) -Fixes to RigidBody/RigidBody2D body_enter/body_exit, was buggy -Fixed ability for RigidBody/RigidBody2D to get contacts reported and bodyin/out in Kinematic mode. -Added proper trigger support for 3D Physics shapes -Changed proper value for Z-Offset in OmniLight -Fixed spot attenuation bug in SpotLight -Fixed some 3D and 2D spatial soudn bugs related to distance attenuation. -Fixed bugs in EventPlayer (channels were muted by default) -Fix in ButtonGroup (get nodes in group are now returned in order) -Fixed Linear->SRGB Conversion, previous algo sucked, new algo works OK -Changed SRGB->Linear conversion to use hardware if supported, improves texture quality a lot -Fixed options for Y-Fov and X-Fov in camera, should be more intuitive. -Fixed bugs related to viewports and transparency Huge Amount of New Stuff: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=- -Ability to manually advance an AnimationPlayer that is inactive (with advance() function) -More work in WinRT platform -Added XY normalmap support, imports on this format by default. Reduces normlmap size and enables much nice compression using LATC -Added Anisotropic filter support to textures, can be specified on import -Added support for Non-Square, Isometric and Hexagonal tilemaps in TileMap. -Added Isometric Dungeon demo. -Added simple hexagonal map demo. -Added Truck-Town demo. Shows how most types of joints and vehicles are used. Please somebody make a nicer town, this one is too hardcore. -Added an Object-Picking API to both RigidBody and Area! (and relevant demo)
2014-10-03 00:10:51 -03:00
bool TileMap::is_existing_neighbor(TileSet::CellNeighbor p_cell_neighbor) const {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!tile_set.is_valid(), false);
TileSet::TileShape shape = tile_set->get_tile_shape();
if (shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_SQUARE) {
return p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_RIGHT_SIDE ||
p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER ||
p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_SIDE ||
p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER ||
p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_LEFT_SIDE ||
p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_LEFT_CORNER ||
p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_SIDE ||
p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_RIGHT_CORNER;
} else if (shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC) {
return p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_RIGHT_CORNER ||
p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT_SIDE ||
p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_CORNER ||
p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_LEFT_SIDE ||
p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_LEFT_CORNER ||
p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_LEFT_SIDE ||
p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_CORNER ||
p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_RIGHT_SIDE;
} else {
if (tile_set->get_tile_offset_axis() == TileSet::TILE_OFFSET_AXIS_HORIZONTAL) {
return p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_RIGHT_SIDE ||
p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT_SIDE ||
p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_LEFT_SIDE ||
p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_LEFT_SIDE ||
p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_LEFT_SIDE ||
p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_RIGHT_SIDE;
} else {
return p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT_SIDE ||
p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_SIDE ||
p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_LEFT_SIDE ||
p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_LEFT_SIDE ||
p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_SIDE ||
p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_RIGHT_SIDE;
Vector2i TileMap::get_neighbor_cell(const Vector2i &p_coords, TileSet::CellNeighbor p_cell_neighbor) const {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!tile_set.is_valid(), p_coords);
TileSet::TileShape shape = tile_set->get_tile_shape();
if (shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_SQUARE) {
switch (p_cell_neighbor) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(1, 0);
return p_coords + Vector2i(1, 1);
return p_coords + Vector2i(0, 1);
return p_coords + Vector2i(-1, 1);
return p_coords + Vector2i(-1, 0);
return p_coords + Vector2i(-1, -1);
return p_coords + Vector2i(0, -1);
return p_coords + Vector2i(1, -1);
} else { // Half-offset shapes (square and hexagon)
switch (tile_set->get_tile_layout()) {
if (tile_set->get_tile_offset_axis() == TileSet::TILE_OFFSET_AXIS_HORIZONTAL) {
bool is_offset = p_coords.y % 2;
if ((shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_RIGHT_CORNER) ||
(shape != TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_RIGHT_SIDE)) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(1, 0);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(is_offset ? 1 : 0, 1);
} else if (shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_CORNER) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(0, 2);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_LEFT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(is_offset ? 0 : -1, 1);
} else if ((shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_LEFT_CORNER) ||
(shape != TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_LEFT_SIDE)) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(-1, 0);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_LEFT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(is_offset ? 0 : -1, -1);
} else if (shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_CORNER) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(0, -2);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_RIGHT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(is_offset ? 1 : 0, -1);
} else {
} else {
bool is_offset = p_coords.x % 2;
if ((shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_CORNER) ||
(shape != TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_SIDE)) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(0, 1);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(1, is_offset ? 1 : 0);
} else if (shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_RIGHT_CORNER) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(2, 0);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_RIGHT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(1, is_offset ? 0 : -1);
} else if ((shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_CORNER) ||
(shape != TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_SIDE)) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(0, -1);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_LEFT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(-1, is_offset ? 0 : -1);
} else if (shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_LEFT_CORNER) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(-2, 0);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_LEFT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(-1, is_offset ? 1 : 0);
} else {
} break;
if (tile_set->get_tile_offset_axis() == TileSet::TILE_OFFSET_AXIS_HORIZONTAL) {
bool is_offset = p_coords.y % 2;
if ((shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_RIGHT_CORNER) ||
(shape != TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_RIGHT_SIDE)) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(1, 0);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(is_offset ? 0 : 1, 1);
} else if (shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_CORNER) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(0, 2);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_LEFT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(is_offset ? -1 : 0, 1);
} else if ((shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_LEFT_CORNER) ||
(shape != TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_LEFT_SIDE)) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(-1, 0);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_LEFT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(is_offset ? -1 : 0, -1);
} else if (shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_CORNER) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(0, -2);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_RIGHT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(is_offset ? 0 : 1, -1);
} else {
} else {
bool is_offset = p_coords.x % 2;
if ((shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_CORNER) ||
(shape != TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_SIDE)) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(0, 1);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(1, is_offset ? 0 : 1);
} else if (shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_RIGHT_CORNER) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(2, 0);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_RIGHT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(1, is_offset ? -1 : 0);
} else if ((shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_CORNER) ||
(shape != TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_SIDE)) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(0, -1);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_LEFT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(-1, is_offset ? -1 : 0);
} else if (shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_LEFT_CORNER) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(-2, 0);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_LEFT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(-1, is_offset ? 0 : 1);
} else {
} break;
if ((tile_set->get_tile_layout() == TileSet::TILE_LAYOUT_STAIRS_RIGHT) ^ (tile_set->get_tile_offset_axis() == TileSet::TILE_OFFSET_AXIS_VERTICAL)) {
if (tile_set->get_tile_offset_axis() == TileSet::TILE_OFFSET_AXIS_HORIZONTAL) {
if ((shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_RIGHT_CORNER) ||
(shape != TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_RIGHT_SIDE)) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(1, 0);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(0, 1);
} else if (shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_CORNER) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(-1, 2);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_LEFT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(-1, 1);
} else if ((shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_LEFT_CORNER) ||
(shape != TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_LEFT_SIDE)) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(-1, 0);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_LEFT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(0, -1);
} else if (shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_CORNER) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(1, -2);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_RIGHT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(1, -1);
} else {
} else {
if ((shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_CORNER) ||
(shape != TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_SIDE)) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(0, 1);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(1, 0);
} else if (shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_RIGHT_CORNER) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(2, -1);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_RIGHT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(1, -1);
} else if ((shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_CORNER) ||
(shape != TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_SIDE)) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(0, -1);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_LEFT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(-1, 0);
} else if (shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_LEFT_CORNER) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(-2, 1);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_LEFT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(-1, 1);
} else {
} else {
if (tile_set->get_tile_offset_axis() == TileSet::TILE_OFFSET_AXIS_HORIZONTAL) {
if ((shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_RIGHT_CORNER) ||
(shape != TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_RIGHT_SIDE)) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(2, -1);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(1, 0);
} else if (shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_CORNER) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(0, 1);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_LEFT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(-1, 1);
} else if ((shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_LEFT_CORNER) ||
(shape != TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_LEFT_SIDE)) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(-2, 1);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_LEFT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(-1, 0);
} else if (shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_CORNER) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(0, -1);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_RIGHT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(1, -1);
} else {
} else {
if ((shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_CORNER) ||
(shape != TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_SIDE)) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(-1, 2);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(0, 1);
} else if (shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_RIGHT_CORNER) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(1, 0);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_RIGHT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(1, -1);
} else if ((shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_CORNER) ||
(shape != TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_SIDE)) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(1, -2);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_LEFT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(0, -1);
} else if (shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_LEFT_CORNER) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(-1, 0);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_LEFT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(-1, 1);
} else {
} break;
if ((tile_set->get_tile_layout() == TileSet::TILE_LAYOUT_DIAMOND_RIGHT) ^ (tile_set->get_tile_offset_axis() == TileSet::TILE_OFFSET_AXIS_VERTICAL)) {
if (tile_set->get_tile_offset_axis() == TileSet::TILE_OFFSET_AXIS_HORIZONTAL) {
if ((shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_RIGHT_CORNER) ||
(shape != TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_RIGHT_SIDE)) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(1, 1);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(0, 1);
} else if (shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_CORNER) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(-1, 1);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_LEFT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(-1, 0);
} else if ((shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_LEFT_CORNER) ||
(shape != TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_LEFT_SIDE)) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(-1, -1);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_LEFT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(0, -1);
} else if (shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_CORNER) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(1, -1);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_RIGHT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(1, 0);
} else {
} else {
if ((shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_CORNER) ||
(shape != TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_SIDE)) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(1, 1);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(1, 0);
} else if (shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_RIGHT_CORNER) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(1, -1);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_RIGHT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(0, -1);
} else if ((shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_CORNER) ||
(shape != TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_SIDE)) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(-1, -1);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_LEFT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(-1, 0);
} else if (shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_LEFT_CORNER) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(-1, 1);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_LEFT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(0, 1);
} else {
} else {
if (tile_set->get_tile_offset_axis() == TileSet::TILE_OFFSET_AXIS_HORIZONTAL) {
if ((shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_RIGHT_CORNER) ||
(shape != TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_RIGHT_SIDE)) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(1, -1);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(1, 0);
} else if (shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_CORNER) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(1, 1);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_LEFT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(0, 1);
} else if ((shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_LEFT_CORNER) ||
(shape != TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_LEFT_SIDE)) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(-1, 1);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_LEFT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(-1, 0);
} else if (shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_CORNER) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(-1, -1);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_RIGHT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(0, -1);
} else {
} else {
if ((shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_CORNER) ||
(shape != TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_SIDE)) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(-1, 1);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(0, 1);
} else if (shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_RIGHT_CORNER) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(1, 1);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_RIGHT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(1, 0);
} else if ((shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_CORNER) ||
(shape != TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_SIDE)) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(1, -1);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_LEFT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(0, -1);
} else if (shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC && p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_LEFT_CORNER) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(-1, -1);
} else if (p_cell_neighbor == TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_LEFT_SIDE) {
return p_coords + Vector2i(-1, 0);
} else {
} break;
TypedArray<Vector2i> TileMap::get_used_cells(int p_layer) const {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_layer, (int)layers.size(), TypedArray<Vector2i>());
// Returns the cells used in the tilemap.
TypedArray<Vector2i> a;
int i = 0;
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
for (const KeyValue<Vector2i, TileMapCell> &E : layers[p_layer].tile_map) {
Vector2i p(E.key.x, E.key.y);
a[i++] = p;
return a;
Rect2 TileMap::get_used_rect() { // Not const because of cache
// Return the rect of the currently used area
2021-08-05 18:17:36 +02:00
if (used_rect_cache_dirty) {
bool first = true;
2021-08-05 18:17:36 +02:00
used_rect_cache = Rect2i();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < layers.size(); i++) {
const Map<Vector2i, TileMapCell> &tile_map = layers[i].tile_map;
if (tile_map.size() > 0) {
if (first) {
2021-08-05 18:17:36 +02:00
used_rect_cache = Rect2i(tile_map.front()->key().x, tile_map.front()->key().y, 0, 0);
first = false;
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
for (const KeyValue<Vector2i, TileMapCell> &E : tile_map) {
used_rect_cache.expand_to(Vector2i(E.key.x, E.key.y));
2021-08-05 18:17:36 +02:00
if (!first) { // first is true if every layer is empty.
used_rect_cache.size += Vector2i(1, 1); // The cache expands to top-left coordinate, so we add one full tile.
used_rect_cache_dirty = false;
2021-08-05 18:17:36 +02:00
return used_rect_cache;
// --- Override some methods of the CanvasItem class to pass the changes to the quadrants CanvasItems ---
void TileMap::set_light_mask(int p_light_mask) {
// Occlusion: set light mask.
for (unsigned int layer = 0; layer < layers.size(); layer++) {
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
for (const KeyValue<Vector2i, TileMapQuadrant> &E : layers[layer].quadrant_map) {
for (const RID &ci : E.value.canvas_items) {
RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_set_light_mask(ci, get_light_mask());
void TileMap::set_material(const Ref<Material> &p_material) {
// Set material for the whole tilemap.
// Update material for the whole tilemap.
for (unsigned int layer = 0; layer < layers.size(); layer++) {
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
for (KeyValue<Vector2i, TileMapQuadrant> &E : layers[layer].quadrant_map) {
TileMapQuadrant &q = E.value;
for (const RID &ci : q.canvas_items) {
RS::get_singleton()->canvas_item_set_use_parent_material(ci, get_use_parent_material() || get_material().is_valid());
void TileMap::set_use_parent_material(bool p_use_parent_material) {
// Set use_parent_material for the whole tilemap.
// Update use_parent_material for the whole tilemap.
for (unsigned int layer = 0; layer < layers.size(); layer++) {
2021-08-09 14:13:42 -06:00
for (KeyValue<Vector2i, TileMapQuadrant> &E : layers[layer].quadrant_map) {
TileMapQuadrant &q = E.value;
for (const RID &ci : q.canvas_items) {
RS::get_singleton()->canvas_item_set_use_parent_material(ci, get_use_parent_material() || get_material().is_valid());
void TileMap::set_texture_filter(TextureFilter p_texture_filter) {
// Set a default texture filter for the whole tilemap
for (unsigned int layer = 0; layer < layers.size(); layer++) {
for (Map<Vector2i, TileMapQuadrant>::Element *F = layers[layer].quadrant_map.front(); F; F = F->next()) {
TileMapQuadrant &q = F->get();
for (const RID &ci : q.canvas_items) {
RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_set_default_texture_filter(ci, RS::CanvasItemTextureFilter(p_texture_filter));
void TileMap::set_texture_repeat(CanvasItem::TextureRepeat p_texture_repeat) {
// Set a default texture repeat for the whole tilemap
for (unsigned int layer = 0; layer < layers.size(); layer++) {
for (Map<Vector2i, TileMapQuadrant>::Element *F = layers[layer].quadrant_map.front(); F; F = F->next()) {
TileMapQuadrant &q = F->get();
for (const RID &ci : q.canvas_items) {
RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_set_default_texture_repeat(ci, RS::CanvasItemTextureRepeat(p_texture_repeat));
TypedArray<Vector2i> TileMap::get_surrounding_tiles(Vector2i coords) {
if (!tile_set.is_valid()) {
return TypedArray<Vector2i>();
TypedArray<Vector2i> around;
TileSet::TileShape shape = tile_set->get_tile_shape();
if (shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_SQUARE) {
around.push_back(get_neighbor_cell(coords, TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_RIGHT_SIDE));
around.push_back(get_neighbor_cell(coords, TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_SIDE));
around.push_back(get_neighbor_cell(coords, TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_LEFT_SIDE));
around.push_back(get_neighbor_cell(coords, TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_SIDE));
} else if (shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC) {
around.push_back(get_neighbor_cell(coords, TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT_SIDE));
around.push_back(get_neighbor_cell(coords, TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_LEFT_SIDE));
around.push_back(get_neighbor_cell(coords, TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_LEFT_SIDE));
around.push_back(get_neighbor_cell(coords, TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_RIGHT_SIDE));
} else {
if (tile_set->get_tile_offset_axis() == TileSet::TILE_OFFSET_AXIS_HORIZONTAL) {
around.push_back(get_neighbor_cell(coords, TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_RIGHT_SIDE));
around.push_back(get_neighbor_cell(coords, TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT_SIDE));
around.push_back(get_neighbor_cell(coords, TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_LEFT_SIDE));
around.push_back(get_neighbor_cell(coords, TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_LEFT_SIDE));
around.push_back(get_neighbor_cell(coords, TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_LEFT_SIDE));
around.push_back(get_neighbor_cell(coords, TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_RIGHT_SIDE));
} else {
around.push_back(get_neighbor_cell(coords, TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT_SIDE));
around.push_back(get_neighbor_cell(coords, TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_SIDE));
around.push_back(get_neighbor_cell(coords, TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_BOTTOM_LEFT_SIDE));
around.push_back(get_neighbor_cell(coords, TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_LEFT_SIDE));
around.push_back(get_neighbor_cell(coords, TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_SIDE));
around.push_back(get_neighbor_cell(coords, TileSet::CELL_NEIGHBOR_TOP_RIGHT_SIDE));
return around;
void TileMap::draw_cells_outline(Control *p_control, Set<Vector2i> p_cells, Color p_color, Transform2D p_transform) {
if (!tile_set.is_valid()) {
Huge Amount of BugFix -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -Fixes to Collada Exporter (avoid crash situtions) -Fixed to Collada Importer (Fixed Animation Optimizer Bugs) -Fixes to RigidBody/RigidBody2D body_enter/body_exit, was buggy -Fixed ability for RigidBody/RigidBody2D to get contacts reported and bodyin/out in Kinematic mode. -Added proper trigger support for 3D Physics shapes -Changed proper value for Z-Offset in OmniLight -Fixed spot attenuation bug in SpotLight -Fixed some 3D and 2D spatial soudn bugs related to distance attenuation. -Fixed bugs in EventPlayer (channels were muted by default) -Fix in ButtonGroup (get nodes in group are now returned in order) -Fixed Linear->SRGB Conversion, previous algo sucked, new algo works OK -Changed SRGB->Linear conversion to use hardware if supported, improves texture quality a lot -Fixed options for Y-Fov and X-Fov in camera, should be more intuitive. -Fixed bugs related to viewports and transparency Huge Amount of New Stuff: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=- -Ability to manually advance an AnimationPlayer that is inactive (with advance() function) -More work in WinRT platform -Added XY normalmap support, imports on this format by default. Reduces normlmap size and enables much nice compression using LATC -Added Anisotropic filter support to textures, can be specified on import -Added support for Non-Square, Isometric and Hexagonal tilemaps in TileMap. -Added Isometric Dungeon demo. -Added simple hexagonal map demo. -Added Truck-Town demo. Shows how most types of joints and vehicles are used. Please somebody make a nicer town, this one is too hardcore. -Added an Object-Picking API to both RigidBody and Area! (and relevant demo)
2014-10-03 00:10:51 -03:00
// Create a set.
Vector2i tile_size = tile_set->get_tile_size();
Vector<Vector2> polygon = tile_set->get_tile_shape_polygon();
TileSet::TileShape shape = tile_set->get_tile_shape();
Huge Amount of BugFix -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -Fixes to Collada Exporter (avoid crash situtions) -Fixed to Collada Importer (Fixed Animation Optimizer Bugs) -Fixes to RigidBody/RigidBody2D body_enter/body_exit, was buggy -Fixed ability for RigidBody/RigidBody2D to get contacts reported and bodyin/out in Kinematic mode. -Added proper trigger support for 3D Physics shapes -Changed proper value for Z-Offset in OmniLight -Fixed spot attenuation bug in SpotLight -Fixed some 3D and 2D spatial soudn bugs related to distance attenuation. -Fixed bugs in EventPlayer (channels were muted by default) -Fix in ButtonGroup (get nodes in group are now returned in order) -Fixed Linear->SRGB Conversion, previous algo sucked, new algo works OK -Changed SRGB->Linear conversion to use hardware if supported, improves texture quality a lot -Fixed options for Y-Fov and X-Fov in camera, should be more intuitive. -Fixed bugs related to viewports and transparency Huge Amount of New Stuff: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=- -Ability to manually advance an AnimationPlayer that is inactive (with advance() function) -More work in WinRT platform -Added XY normalmap support, imports on this format by default. Reduces normlmap size and enables much nice compression using LATC -Added Anisotropic filter support to textures, can be specified on import -Added support for Non-Square, Isometric and Hexagonal tilemaps in TileMap. -Added Isometric Dungeon demo. -Added simple hexagonal map demo. -Added Truck-Town demo. Shows how most types of joints and vehicles are used. Please somebody make a nicer town, this one is too hardcore. -Added an Object-Picking API to both RigidBody and Area! (and relevant demo)
2014-10-03 00:10:51 -03:00
for (Set<Vector2i>::Element *E = p_cells.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
Vector2 center = map_to_world(E->get());
#define DRAW_SIDE_IF_NEEDED(side, polygon_index_from, polygon_index_to) \
if (!p_cells.has(get_neighbor_cell(E->get(), side))) { \
Vector2 from = p_transform.xform(center + polygon[polygon_index_from] * tile_size); \
Vector2 to = p_transform.xform(center + polygon[polygon_index_to] * tile_size); \
p_control->draw_line(from, to, p_color); \
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
if (shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_SQUARE) {
} else {
if (tile_set->get_tile_offset_axis() == TileSet::TILE_OFFSET_AXIS_HORIZONTAL) {
if (shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC) {
} else {
} else {
if (shape == TileSet::TILE_SHAPE_ISOMETRIC) {
} else {
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
TypedArray<String> TileMap::get_configuration_warnings() const {
TypedArray<String> warnings = Node::get_configuration_warnings();
// Retrieve the set of Z index values with a Y-sorted layer.
Set<int> y_sorted_z_index;
for (int layer = 0; layer < (int)layers.size(); layer++) {
if (layers[layer].y_sort_enabled) {
// Check if we have a non-sorted layer in a Z-index with a Y-sorted layer.
for (int layer = 0; layer < (int)layers.size(); layer++) {
if (!layers[layer].y_sort_enabled && y_sorted_z_index.has(layers[layer].z_index)) {
warnings.push_back(TTR("A Y-sorted layer has the same Z-index value as a not Y-sorted layer.\nThis may lead to unwanted behaviors, as a layer that is not Y-sorted will be Y-sorted as a whole with tiles from Y-sorted layers."));
return warnings;
void TileMap::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_tileset", "tileset"), &TileMap::set_tileset);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_tileset"), &TileMap::get_tileset);
Huge Amount of BugFix -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -Fixes to Collada Exporter (avoid crash situtions) -Fixed to Collada Importer (Fixed Animation Optimizer Bugs) -Fixes to RigidBody/RigidBody2D body_enter/body_exit, was buggy -Fixed ability for RigidBody/RigidBody2D to get contacts reported and bodyin/out in Kinematic mode. -Added proper trigger support for 3D Physics shapes -Changed proper value for Z-Offset in OmniLight -Fixed spot attenuation bug in SpotLight -Fixed some 3D and 2D spatial soudn bugs related to distance attenuation. -Fixed bugs in EventPlayer (channels were muted by default) -Fix in ButtonGroup (get nodes in group are now returned in order) -Fixed Linear->SRGB Conversion, previous algo sucked, new algo works OK -Changed SRGB->Linear conversion to use hardware if supported, improves texture quality a lot -Fixed options for Y-Fov and X-Fov in camera, should be more intuitive. -Fixed bugs related to viewports and transparency Huge Amount of New Stuff: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=- -Ability to manually advance an AnimationPlayer that is inactive (with advance() function) -More work in WinRT platform -Added XY normalmap support, imports on this format by default. Reduces normlmap size and enables much nice compression using LATC -Added Anisotropic filter support to textures, can be specified on import -Added support for Non-Square, Isometric and Hexagonal tilemaps in TileMap. -Added Isometric Dungeon demo. -Added simple hexagonal map demo. -Added Truck-Town demo. Shows how most types of joints and vehicles are used. Please somebody make a nicer town, this one is too hardcore. -Added an Object-Picking API to both RigidBody and Area! (and relevant demo)
2014-10-03 00:10:51 -03:00
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_quadrant_size", "size"), &TileMap::set_quadrant_size);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_quadrant_size"), &TileMap::get_quadrant_size);
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_layers_count"), &TileMap::get_layers_count);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_layer", "to_position"), &TileMap::add_layer);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("move_layer", "layer", "to_position"), &TileMap::move_layer);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("remove_layer", "layer"), &TileMap::remove_layer);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_layer_name", "layer", "name"), &TileMap::set_layer_name);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_layer_name", "layer"), &TileMap::get_layer_name);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_layer_enabled", "layer", "enabled"), &TileMap::set_layer_enabled);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_layer_enabled", "layer"), &TileMap::is_layer_enabled);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_layer_y_sort_enabled", "layer", "y_sort_enabled"), &TileMap::set_layer_y_sort_enabled);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_layer_y_sort_enabled", "layer"), &TileMap::is_layer_y_sort_enabled);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_layer_y_sort_origin", "layer", "y_sort_origin"), &TileMap::set_layer_y_sort_origin);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_layer_y_sort_origin", "layer"), &TileMap::get_layer_y_sort_origin);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_layer_z_index", "layer", "z_index"), &TileMap::set_layer_z_index);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_layer_z_index", "layer"), &TileMap::get_layer_z_index);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_collision_animatable", "enabled"), &TileMap::set_collision_animatable);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_collision_animatable"), &TileMap::is_collision_animatable);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_collision_visibility_mode", "collision_visibility_mode"), &TileMap::set_collision_visibility_mode);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_collision_visibility_mode"), &TileMap::get_collision_visibility_mode);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_navigation_visibility_mode", "navigation_visibility_mode"), &TileMap::set_navigation_visibility_mode);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_navigation_visibility_mode"), &TileMap::get_navigation_visibility_mode);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_cell", "layer", "coords", "source_id", "atlas_coords", "alternative_tile"), &TileMap::set_cell, DEFVAL(TileSet::INVALID_SOURCE), DEFVAL(TileSetSource::INVALID_ATLAS_COORDS), DEFVAL(TileSetSource::INVALID_TILE_ALTERNATIVE));
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_cell_source_id", "layer", "coords", "use_proxies"), &TileMap::get_cell_source_id);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_cell_atlas_coords", "layer", "coords", "use_proxies"), &TileMap::get_cell_atlas_coords);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_cell_alternative_tile", "layer", "coords", "use_proxies"), &TileMap::get_cell_alternative_tile);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_coords_for_body_rid", "body"), &TileMap::get_coords_for_body_rid);
2018-02-24 12:56:48 +07:00
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("fix_invalid_tiles"), &TileMap::fix_invalid_tiles);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("clear_layer", "layer"), &TileMap::clear_layer);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("clear"), &TileMap::clear);
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_surrounding_tiles", "coords"), &TileMap::get_surrounding_tiles);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_used_cells", "layer"), &TileMap::get_used_cells);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_used_rect"), &TileMap::get_used_rect);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("map_to_world", "map_position"), &TileMap::map_to_world);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("world_to_map", "world_position"), &TileMap::world_to_map);
Huge Amount of BugFix -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -Fixes to Collada Exporter (avoid crash situtions) -Fixed to Collada Importer (Fixed Animation Optimizer Bugs) -Fixes to RigidBody/RigidBody2D body_enter/body_exit, was buggy -Fixed ability for RigidBody/RigidBody2D to get contacts reported and bodyin/out in Kinematic mode. -Added proper trigger support for 3D Physics shapes -Changed proper value for Z-Offset in OmniLight -Fixed spot attenuation bug in SpotLight -Fixed some 3D and 2D spatial soudn bugs related to distance attenuation. -Fixed bugs in EventPlayer (channels were muted by default) -Fix in ButtonGroup (get nodes in group are now returned in order) -Fixed Linear->SRGB Conversion, previous algo sucked, new algo works OK -Changed SRGB->Linear conversion to use hardware if supported, improves texture quality a lot -Fixed options for Y-Fov and X-Fov in camera, should be more intuitive. -Fixed bugs related to viewports and transparency Huge Amount of New Stuff: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=- -Ability to manually advance an AnimationPlayer that is inactive (with advance() function) -More work in WinRT platform -Added XY normalmap support, imports on this format by default. Reduces normlmap size and enables much nice compression using LATC -Added Anisotropic filter support to textures, can be specified on import -Added support for Non-Square, Isometric and Hexagonal tilemaps in TileMap. -Added Isometric Dungeon demo. -Added simple hexagonal map demo. -Added Truck-Town demo. Shows how most types of joints and vehicles are used. Please somebody make a nicer town, this one is too hardcore. -Added an Object-Picking API to both RigidBody and Area! (and relevant demo)
2014-10-03 00:10:51 -03:00
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_neighbor_cell", "coords", "neighbor"), &TileMap::get_neighbor_cell);
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_update_dirty_quadrants"), &TileMap::_update_dirty_quadrants);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_set_tile_data", "layer"), &TileMap::_set_tile_data);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_get_tile_data", "layer"), &TileMap::_get_tile_data);
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "tile_set", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "TileSet"), "set_tileset", "get_tileset");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "cell_quadrant_size", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "1,128,1"), "set_quadrant_size", "get_quadrant_size");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "collision_animatable"), "set_collision_animatable", "is_collision_animatable");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "collision_visibility_mode", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Default,Force Show,Force Hide"), "set_collision_visibility_mode", "get_collision_visibility_mode");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "navigation_visibility_mode", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Default,Force Show,Force Hide"), "set_navigation_visibility_mode", "get_navigation_visibility_mode");
ADD_ARRAY("layers", "layer_");
void TileMap::_tile_set_changed() {
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
TileMap::TileMap() {
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00
TileMap::~TileMap() {
if (tile_set.is_valid()) {
tile_set->disconnect("changed", callable_mp(this, &TileMap::_tile_set_changed));
2014-02-09 22:10:30 -03:00